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Tropica soil raising my KH


New Member
1 Sep 2024
Hi all,
After few months of thinking I decided to start using RO water for my planted aquarium. The main reason was my struggle with Rotala macrandra and Wallichii.

I have tropica soil on the top with seachem flourite underneath and then a mix of fine and small gravel at the bottom. Not ideal but I started with only one layer of fine gravel, then decided to use soil so found it is easier to dump it over what I already had + it will reducd the depth of my tank to help with lighting as it was 55cm.

When I added the soil a year ago my DKH dropped to 0.
My tap water is hard with DGH 16 DKH 10, after a running this setup for a year I recenlty moved to RO water and my target values are DGH 6 DKH 3.

NO matter what I do, I cannot get the DKH to go below 5 DKH, I 've done multiple big water changes with RO water. It drops to 5 and then gets up to 7 in couple days. (Tested my RO water and it is close to 0DKH).

My humble explanation is the soil absorbed KH through the first year and now it is releasing it back into the ro water.

Will that change by time? How long I need to wait to get the DKH level I've always dreamed of.

Any quick fix to do?

Many thanks,
Hello - I am not a wizard, but does this thread answer your question? Basically, the explanation to why aquasoil can stop working....

If its not other hardscape ie rocks, it could be the AS. Using RO water in theory should slowly strip any surplus Ions and Cations from the AS, which may be the source of the kH in the tank.
How many WC it takes I dunno, but keep us posted on what happens.
Plus what rocks you have!
Hello - I am not a wizard, but does this thread answer your question? Basically, the explanation to why aquasoil can stop working....

Thanks for sharing it, it is similar question however in my case the soil is not neutral (depleted) it is changing the chemistry in opposite to what is expected when it is active.
Thanks for sharing it, it is similar question however in my case the soil is not neutral (depleted) it is changing the chemistry in opposite to what is expected when it is active.
So you complete (95%+) water change with RO at 0dKH, which starts at 5dKH and then rises to 7dKH?
I don't have any rocks, the gravel I have is Unipac Kivu and Pets at home premium gravel.
Will keep everyone updated on this, I don't have any rocks, the gravel I have is Unipac Kivu and Pets at home premium gravel.
I use Seachem matrix in the filter which in theory shouldn't affect the KH.