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Tropica aquacube

check this one out for a little inspiration Nano Tropica Aquacube 20x20x20cm [Now planted!] | UK Aquatic Plant Society they do look like nice little tanks mate good luck with it 🙂
god thats an old thread!

In answer to the ops question then yes it is possible to grow those plants in there but you'd be better off with a filter attached. You really have to watch your water doesnt go icky too with the small volume in there so you have to keep on top of water changes. graeme edwards grew a stunning aquacube which will be on the archives here somewhere.
god thats an old thread!

In answer to the ops question then yes it is possible to grow those plants in there but you'd be better off with a filter attached. You really have to watch your water doesnt go icky too with the small volume in there so you have to keep on top of water changes. graeme edwards grew a stunning aquacube which will be on the archives here somewhere.
without co2?
without co2?

without co2?
If hes using the easycarbo as he mentioned then it "should" be possible to grow these "glossostigma, pogostemen helferi and HC". Co2 would help of course but its only an 8 litre tank.

Although Ive never managed to grow glosso in any tanks whereas others find it a weed so I may be missing something in the water that I dont add.
There you go, just the hardscape in and a few hairgrass bits, I'm going to try the dry start method, something ive not ventured into before, if successful I may keep it emersed 🙂
Made a few adjustments to it (more will probably follow in the weeks to come lol). Added another rock to the top left and placed some moss on it, moved the eleocharis to the rear and added two stems of ludwigia repens Rubin in the middle. Not sure how that will look but could be interesting to see something different. Going to add some hydrocotle today too
Very nice looking 🙂
If you can find it, I'll recomend the new Tropica "Ludwigia sp" - since it's a lot smaller, and easily as red - instead of the good old "Rubin".

Agreed. This plant is great to work with in a small space like the aquacube. The smaller leaves make it far less `intrusive´ and the brilliant red colour is fairly easy to get.

Tank looks great BTW 🙂
I think we are due an update!😉 How's it coming along? Any new plants etc?

Not much to report really... I've added some HC, I can see that the eleocharis is looking "stronger" and the hydrocotyle is starting to root. I have trimmed the ludwigia and it's growing very nice



Flooded it today 🙂..... The HC didn't do great so took that out, I'm impressed the moss attached but not looking very green... Hopefully that'll pick up and the ludwigia has done well as has the eleocharis. Just going to see how it goes with liquid co2, ferts and weekly water changes