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Too much light?


21 Nov 2016
Detroit Metro
Question... If i think i may have too much light on my tank than the amount of co2 in the water can accommodate, what would be the best way to reduce the light? I have LED lights that do not have a dimming feature, and I cant think of a decent way to suspend the lights higher above the tank because i wouldn't want them dangling from the ceiling. It is an open top tank.

I was thinking of either adding a glass top to the tank, although i prefer the look of an open top, or adding a floating plant that will layer on top of the water. If i add a floating plant however, i feel like it may just consume more co2 that my plants I currently have aren't getting enough of as it is. Has anyone ever tried these methods for providing some shade?

Thanks in advance!
Which lights do you have? You can get an inline dimmable switch on ebay for about £3
http://www.ebay.com/itm/301832256447 I am running two of the LED fixtures from the link. I'm not sure how to gauge the light precisely but if you want to go with watts per gallon, they have ~100 0.1W LEDs each, so that makes 20W total being roughly 1W/gallon... From what i've read 1W/gal is relatively low light, but it could be different for LEDs vs. bulbs I'm not sure. I've also read that the Watts/Gallon gauge is inaccurate, but also the simplest way to gauge light. I've considered dimmable switches, but I haven't found any for that cheap in the US, and i would potentially need two of them.

I am going to give duckweed a try, I ordered 1/2 cup which will arrive next week. We'll see how it does and if it helps, or even survives in my tank.
OK bud, I bought one of these for mine which can dim 25\50\100% maybe worth a go if the connections are the same and voltage.
:rolleyes: Probably would have helped if I'd posted the link :banghead: