Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite
Well it was quiet in the studio on Friday, so I pulled the blinds, put on a bit of John Lee Hooker (

) and let the scaping begin
🙂 3 days of tweaking later, and here it is
One tank in particular that I really love is Luis Moniz 90*45*45 tank with the clear sand foreground , and the upright woods with bolbitis / fissidens on them - So that coupled with an intoxicating weekend (in more ways than one!) at TGM last week, and Georges demo tank have inspired this scape
Tech Specs first (the timer settings are for the initial couple of weeks):
Tank - 100w x 45d x 55h 10mm Optiwhite, rimless and braceless (200L)
Filtration -Tetratec EX1200 & Eheim 2075 filters (total 2400 LPH), PM glassware
CO2 - AquaMedic 1000 CO2 reactor, FE pressurised, solenoid on timer (8am - 2pm)
Heat - Hydor 300w inline 26ºC
DayLights - Arcadia luminaire 4 x 39w T5HO (2 x Hagen Power-Glo, 2 x Hagen Life-Glo) on timers ( 2tubes only 10am - 4pm)
Moonlight - 18w Interpet MoonBlue T8 on timer (9am - 10.15am and 3.45pm - 7pm)
Substrate -ADA Aquasoil Malaya (18L), ADA Sarawak sand (5L), TGM gravels, 20 X TPN+ capsules & mulm embedded
Hardscape - Fossilised wood, Redmoor roots
Fertiliser - will be AllInOne Solution, dosed daily
So here goes with the hardscaping:
1. Take one clean tank...
2. Fill with Aquasoil Malaya...
3. Position the redmoor roots (thanks Steve
😉 )...
4. Add some fossilised wood...
5. Replace the foreground malaya with Sarawak sand...
6. And finally, refine with graded gravels...
So there you go, simple as that
The planting will be happening later this week, but in the meantime here are some more pics of the hardscape :
As always, comments and critiques are always welcome (just dont recommend changing anything
