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Tom's Poco Pozo

I'd been managing to resist buying any Apistos until today... we got six A. hoignei in at work and I just couldn't say no (thank God for staff discount!).

I've risked the 'best' pair in a 30cm cube with a few half-grown hockeysticks to see if they'll breed, the other 4 (one definite male, one probable male, two unknown sex) have gone into the display tank.

Immediately after being introduced -


And now I have to stop buying cichlids.
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Beautiful fish Tom, I know what you mean about needing to stop buying cichlids, I just picked up a pair of protomelas taeniolatus for my tank
😱Wonderful fish Tom! :clap:

I wish I could keep/breed apistogramma (and dicrossus filamentosus for that matter), but I don't have the space or suitable water for any of these lovely fish...
Could you possibly do a full list of all the fish you have in there? I'm losing track...
I'm losing track...

Me too! Pretty much fully stocked now I think, barring special additions if they crop up.

2 adult Guianacara plus 40 juveniles which I really, really should get around to rehoming.
5 Biotodoma wavrini
4 Apistogramma hoignei
3 Dicrossus filamentosus
9 Iguanadectes spilurus
10 Chilodus punctatus/gracilis
15 Nannostomus eques
50 Paracheirodon simulans
12 Otocinclus sp.
4 Farlowella sp.

I think that's it!
Just noticed you have Iguanadectes spilurus 😱.

Was looking for these some time ago with no luck. Keep us updated on thier growth - I heard 5cm or 10cm but that's one hell of a difference 😀

Such lovely fish for a lovely tank :clap:
Just noticed you have Iguanadectes spilurus 😱.

Was looking for these some time ago with no luck. Keep us updated on thier growth - I heard 5cm or 10cm but that's one hell of a difference 😀

Such lovely fish for a lovely tank :clap:

Did I not PM you to say there were some available? Anyway, they arrived at 5cm and are definitely growing, so I'm expecting 10cm.
I don't think I got a PM but never mind, I'm rather short on tank space anyway 🙁

For now, like many others, I'll have to live vicariously thru you :peeking:

Keep it coming :thumbup:
I don't think I got a PM but never mind, I'm rather short on tank space anyway 🙁

For now, like many others, I'll have to live vicariously thru you :peeking:

Keep it coming :thumbup:

Heh I just checked my message history - 22nd of October I let you know that Silksworth Aquatics had some. You snooze you lose! :lol:

I think they get them in now and again, worth keeping an eye on their FB page.
:facepalm:D'oh! :banghead:
Pure UKAPS geekout time - I made a 1m long acrylic spraybar to replace the short, ugly, grey effort that came with my efx600.

Obviously in a 4' wide tank you can't really bounce the flow off the front glass as you would in a normal rectangular tank, so I pointed the angle of every second hole down a bit. Now half the flow shoots straight across to provide surface movement and the other half is directed downwards towards the plants. There's some slightly funky turbulence going on but overall it seems to work pretty well. Only took 10 minutes with a dremel.

I'll do a flow diagram with my awesome paint skills.

Clive would probably have a fit, but I can't see any obvious dead spots. There's quite a funky thing going on on the right hand side where the flow in the upper and lower part of the tank is in an almost perfectly opposite direction. That area was very much a dead spot with the normal spraybar.


View is from the front, spraybar mounted on the right hand side.
Ooh sexy spraybar photography!

In a tank with a footprint that size the best you can hope for is well mixed, I'd have thought. Not like you want 10x it a 'tope tank. I can't remember but I guess your running a big Eheim or Fluval?
Could you explain how you did this so as to get straight holes?

Drew a straight line the length of the tube with a marker pen (used a spare second tube pushed against the first as a ruler).

Then marked off where each hole would be and just went for it free hand with a 3mm drill bit. There's probably a little bit of variation but it's fairly uniform all in all.

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I find laying the spraybar in a groove in a piece of decking stops it sliding about too.