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Tom's Poco Pozo

Cheers lol

And that bucket O mud was on every aquatic forum I visited. It was hard to miss. I think the idea of self sustaining done right has an appeal because it's something few have ever really seen. I have always wondered if a small apisto, say Borellii or panduro, would have or could have fit into that fine balance.

I think Tuncalik tried a pair of A. borelli in his 'biotope in my study' and decided they needed supplemental feeding, but it probably just comes down to tank size. I reckon it'd be doable in something the size of the Bucket with the right microfauna.

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I added some cheap extra lighting by repositioning the room lights above the tank 😛

Using four fairly cheap ebay 15w GU10 LED spotlights. Beam angle is narrower than I was expecting and the output isn't exactly mind boggling but they're useful for spotlighting some of the wood and plants, and mean I can raise the Kessil slightly so the smaller riparians are all lit now.

The hairgrass has been suffering a bit lately - the 40 odd Guianacara juveniles have started digging it up pretty regularly which probably doesn't help. Going to upgrade the filtration this weekend (been meaning to do that for a while) so should roughly triple the flow and going to have a go with some gluteraldehyde. Never used it before so figured it was worth a play given I got some cheap off Hoggie 🙂
Stunning as usual Tom! But those neons are stunning - despite their ubiquity they really steal the show when in numbers and of course in the right tank 😉
Fantastic tank!
have you seen any spawning behavior from the Dicrossus (filamentosus I presume)?
Fantastic tank!
have you seen any spawning behavior from the Dicrossus (filamentosus I presume)?

Unfortunately not. The males spent a lot of time displaying to the female but she's utterly disinterested. I bought the males and female from different shops (all I could find locally) and to be honest I wonder if they're from sufficiently different populations to make breeding difficult.