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Tom's Poco Pozo

Really interested in these cays but don't currently run a tank suitable for them. They look fantastic 🙂

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It looks fantastic Tom, one of my favourites on here at the moment, I just wish I could try a shallow tank.
Ah, sorry dudes. Bit slow going really - still haven't put a light up and there's still tonnes of tannins so not much to look at. Ludwigia is hanging on by the skin of its teeth but the emergent plants are doing well - the palm grass has hit the ceiling already!

Livestock are doing well, added 4 Dicrossus filamentous which are lovely to watch as they patrol around, picking up leaves to hunt things living underneath. Haven't had a chance to add anything else because my LFS suppliers are out of stock of everything I'm after!

Will do photos as soon as I get a light sorted!

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Big groups of green neon tetras and hockey stick pencilfish, a few more Dicrossus, Ammocryptocharax elegans (they only show up about one a year so might be a while), spotted headstanders, and perhaps a small group of Biotodoma wavrini if I fancy something a little larger.

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OK, a little bit of content seeing as it's been a while. Fish shots taken in extreme low light and heavy tannins -

One of the male Dicrossus, which are colouring up more and more every day. Need to try and get a shot of one displaying, which is now pretty impressive. Going by the tail pattern I seem to have fish from the Rio Negro rather than Orinoco population, which isn't quite perfect biotope wise, but they are super fish none the less.



A 'twig' -

Riparians are now through their acclimatisation period and are happily going berserk -

Also added 8 Chilodus gracilis (generally sold as C. punctatus) but yet to get a decent photo of them.


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Love those dicrossus, if only they liked hard water... Those head standers are crazy, a really intriguing and unique fish, that tank must be great to watch. I can't imagine a better home for these fish, great job Tom, long may it last!
Love those dicrossus, if only they liked hard water... Those head standers are crazy, a really intriguing and unique fish, that tank must be great to watch. I can't imagine a better home for these fish, great job Tom, long may it last!

Yeah the headstanders are ace. They were just down as a maybe for the stock list but after watching them in the shop for a while I couldn't resist. The front 6 inches of the tank are very entertaining but I can't actually see any further thanks to the tannins and low light, haha. I'll b probably get some carbon/purigen running on it soon.

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