In my opinion, this is the most useful and best looking 'free' snail out there.
What's in there not to like?
- They are beautiful, trumpet-shaped and similar to Sulawesi brothers and sisters, but smaller. There are white and black ones. Both look stunning.
- There are no eggs.
- They eat decaying matter or dead fish.
- They eat diatoms and even green carpet algae (though they will eat other stuff before green carpet algae).
- They will NEVER eat live plants.
- They aerate the substrate and prevent calcification and forming of gases.
- Best free janitors out there.
What's really bad?
- Prolific breeding. Though this can be somewhat or totally controlled depending on the food source. It's easy as that. On the other hand, you can easily harvest them out when they attach themselves to the glass.
Personally? After 3 years, I had to add them several times in my tank to actually see them. Adding CO2 and having pH =<7.0 seem to be controlling their population. I also feed my fish 1x per day and their food rarely falls to the ground.