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To Ei dose or stop,


27 Nov 2009
Bury, Lancashire
HI everyone,

I currently have two tanks running at the mo, a 38 ltr planted and a 200ltr planted,the latter has been running for 6 months,
I Ei dose both, but going forward only plan to keep the 35 ltr heavily planted,

So here's the current how it's been for 6 months

Two 54w t5,
Eheim 2213 & tetratech 1200,
Korolla nano, sorry about the spelling,
Easy carbo liquid 10ml per day
Macro 100ml
Trace 100ml on alt days,
Day 7 rest, and 50% water change,

Ei was as follows based on 500ml mix
37g Magnesium sulphate
15g Potassium Nitrate
5.8g Monopotassium Phosphate

3.9 Tnc Trace,

Now I have based this on a fairly heavy planted tank with great plant growth,shame about the lack of scaping skills,
Plants were as bellow alot of Echinodorus, Eichornia two types,

Now the tank will have the following
One 54w T5
Same filters,
But only 1/3rd of the tank full of plants, All sort of one end so to speak,,
Stuff like Anubias, java fern, moss, crypts, hygrophillia I know this last one poss need more light,
So can I still Ei dose with the reduced light and plant mass, or am I better using off the shelf ferts
I am worried about getting Algae, as I have managed to avoid it soo far,

Thanks Paul
Thanks Alastair,

So I dose 1/3rd of 100ml then ?
Yes I was going to reduce to 1ml per 50ltrs as per the instructions,