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TMC V2 Pro reg and UP atomizer


9 Mar 2011

I've bought this reg:


It looks pretty well built, but there is nothing in the instructions about being able to alter the working pressure.

Now, I have also ordered one of the UP atomizers from eBay as recommended by many on this forum. There seems to be an issue with them that a fairly high pressure (1.7 bar?) is needed to operate them?

Does anyone have any experience with this reg/atomizer combo, or alternatively does anyone know what the working pressure is on the TMC reg or whether there is a non-documented way to adjust it?

Don't have my FE or atomizer yet so I can't just plug it in and test...

Thanks very much

I'm in the same situation as you, I've got the TMC v2 pro and am waiting on delivery on the UP atomiser. My reg runs about 1.75 pressure bar (with Aquagro power diffuser 500) so I figured I would be ok but if you do find out how to adjust working pressure I'd be interested.
Thanks for the info soad - looks like it will be a close run thing.
Answering my own question, have attached my reg today to my FE, and the working pressure is about 2.2ish, so I imagine it should be fine with the atomizer (which hasn't arrived yet).

I am using this reg with an UP diffuser on my 240 litre, and it works great.