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TMC Signature optiwhite rimless...

I have a lily pipe outlet, but I broke the inlet. I am used to spray bars, not sure about this fragile glass stuff.

I'm surprised that I haven't broken mine yet as I have broken 1 JBL thermometer (paper-thin glass!) and 2 bubble counters (got plastic now).

However, lilies look awesome and with a pipe-brush, can be cleaned really quickly. Regarding effectiveness, I'll leave that argument to the experts!
acrylic is the future sanj, very difficult to break and stays clean twice as long as glass. Just wish someone would start making them as cant diy a lily!! intakes and spraybars are a doddle though.

That is very nice indeed, don't suppose your gonna start making and selling some? 😉

That is very nice indeed, don't suppose your gonna start making selling some? 😉

well, i was going to but ask Nath, he's been waiting months 🙁

might think about again in the new year. It really isnt too hard.

Can I ask how u make them? I'm thinking I need a couple spray bars

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Pretty simple jack, just get acrylic and rotate it over a heat gun slowly and little by little add the bend you want. I guess it takes about half hour to make one like that with 2 bends. There is a video on youtube ill try to find when im home.
My nano uses lillys and has no side holes, it makes it a touch harder but it's not impossible, and drilling holes in would be easy!
Would love to see pics of cabinets if anyone has one. but I wonder why they didn't put cut outs on the sides for filter pipes? Otherwise I would have ordered one already....
TMC are starting to make acrylic lily pipes. when we get them in at work i will take a photo
Here's a set i DIY'd. Couldn't get the lily pipe end either, no matter how much my face turned purple as I tried to huff and puff into the acrylic pipe.


I did it over a gas stove set to the lowest and a sheet metal chimney. It helps to channel heat to a smaller area which aids in bending and has a lower risk of over-heating which causes bubbles in the acrylic.
