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TMC Signature Aquarium 600mm x 450mm x 300mm Advice needed

I have the same tank, With a 1500 tile and a External with a output of1050lph.
The plant growth is quiet extensive (if you lookat my latest pictures]
The LED is now at 70%, and i would say the circulation is about right.

Incidentally, i must be lucky, mine does not emit a high pitched tone, not at present anyway.
I've been using an Ecco 200 on my ADA 60P which is smaller than your tank and in terms of flow it's not really adequate. I just replaced it this weekend funnily enough and I can actually see my plants swaying about now. I'd suggest a minimum of 1000lph.
Hi Robbie,

Im using both the ecco 300 and professional 3 2071. I would suggest the 2071 over the ecco 300. It has more capacity and since you going to get a 80L aquarium the ecco will not suffice. also for me the ecco filter lost some capacity because of the hydor inline heater attached to it. I would aim a bit higher then 800lph, the 2071 gives you 950lph.

Also OllieNZ is right about the ADA powder, while it is great to plant in, once the tank is running the powder slowly finds its way under the normal grain size. Also if everything is planted and grown in you will not see it anymore. I would save the extra money you would have to spend on the powder type and go for normal grain and use that money you just saved for a good filter 🙂
I think the filter will be on the low side flow wise. Check out the jbl e901 low power consumption (but not as low as the ecco) 900l/hr and 7l capacity.
If you put ada powder over the normal soil it will sink in and the normal stuff will end up on top.
Just been reading reviews of the JBL, think this one will be a good alternative to the Ecco, cheers mate.
Just been reading reviews of the JBL, think this one will be a good alternative to the Ecco, cheers mate.

No worries. I have the older e1500 and really like it. I think they're still built the same just less power hungry