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tmc grobeam co2 tnc+ with extra bba

Oh dear my brain really isn't working today. This was meant for my wanted koralia post, forgot that I had got sidetracked by your journal link😳 Nice tank by the way!
Went ok till I sold it all and then had a mare of a time with a woman I sold tank to it got smashed in transit so I put a claim in to courier but she put a claim in for 60 witch was tank plus loads of other stuff never sent me my stuff back and she got full refund even tho tank was only 40 but hay ill never do it again

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That's funny I had loads of issues with the guy that bought my marine tank too!!

It was fine at mine, fine when he watched me fill it and empty it then suddenly once he got it home it had sprung a leak... great fun that was... telling him that I don't offer refunds etc etc PITA!