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TMC AquaGro MicroHabitat - PFK Subs Offer

hijac said:
I'm awaiting my delivery. Not sure if i'm going to set it up right away as i'm currently neglecting my two nano's while i renovate the house but i couldn't resist the deal.

Waiting for mine too 😀!
got my first mag, but no sign of the tank yet. i forget, did they mention a delivery date?
hijac said:
got my first mag, but no sign of the tank yet. i forget, did they mention a delivery date?

They said allow 28 days, I don't have either yet. May well get the mag tomorrow though.
Luketendo said:
Journal now 😛
Easy now :lol: Still got to decide on hardscape and plants! I suppose I could just start one with some pics of the tank and inspiration/ideas..?

I must say I think I made a good decision though, the Mini 'S' is a mean looking tank with almost no silicon! TMC lost out there, should have been quicker :lol:
NeilW said:
Luketendo said:
Journal now 😛
Easy now :lol: Still got to decide on hardscape and plants! I suppose I could just start one with some pics of the tank and inspiration/ideas..?

I must say I think I made a good decision though, the Mini 'S' is a mean looking tank with almost no silicon! TMC lost out there, should have been quicker :lol:

Yeah I'd like one but compared to the TMC I'd have to buy an external filter, lily pipes and sort out a light to make it worthwhile. Plus I don't think my rookie level of skill warrants having one anyway, going to have a proper good go at the TMC though.

The key thing about these pico sort of tanks is finding hardscape that doesn't overpower the tank too much, or isn't actually larger than the tank itself 😛.
Luketendo said:
Yeah I'd like one but compared to the TMC I'd have to buy an external filter, lily pipes and sort out a light to make it worthwhile. Plus I don't think my rookie level of skill warrants having one anyway, going to have a proper good go at the TMC though.

The key thing about these pico sort of tanks is finding hardscape that doesn't overpower the tank too much, or isn't actually larger than the tank itself 😛.

The TMC does look like a great little all-in-one system I agree :thumbup:.

In addition to the tank I'm only going to have to buy a £15 HOB type filter so won't have to buy lilys, already got a light and it'll be unheated so its not much more cost really on top. £60 for a TMC or £75 for an ADA was a no brainer for me, just worked out well.

You can always break up rocks smaller with a bolster and a hammer, although make sure you wear safety specs or you may not have eyes to admire your handy work :lol: As for wood you can easily snap Redmoor 'twigs'. Just have to search a bit further to find solutions.

If I had gone for the TMC pico I was planning on getting 1kg of ADA Manten Stone which is expensive but for the tiny amount you need its not bad for the best hardscape money can buy.
Yeah I guess, although to be honest I wouldn't be too keen on having a HOB on an ADA product, although I guess you could remove it for photos and stuff 😛, but yea. I was planning on doing Iwaguimi on this so shouldn't need wood but if I do I can get some from work. As for rock anyway I'm thinking of asking Richard on the AE website what I should do about them, seeing as it's the best selling thing he has, I'm sure the master of mini landscape rocks will have an answer 😛. Probably will involve abusing rocks though 😛.
I got a tank very similar to the TMC one, a Betta badge model, and it is a pleasure to work with. Finding wood for it is easy, use twigs, and cover it with moss or on a bed of hairgrass.

But £75 for a ADA? I might just get one, it is a better bet it seems. 🙂
Went for this in the end, just got my first mag yesterday, has anyone recieved a tank yet?
gbagger said:
Went for this in the end, just got my first mag yesterday, has anyone recieved a tank yet?

Got my mag yesterday too, no tank though. Would be nice if it came during half term so I can quickly order some stuff to start the hardscape. Although does anyone know if they have reached retail yet, maybe they are still being sorted out?
Not received tank nor mag yet but only at 21 days so far
However I do have everything ready to go
And water
Luketendo said:
Yeah I guess, although to be honest I wouldn't be too keen on having a HOB on an ADA product, although I guess you could remove it for photos and stuff 😛
Surprisingly Amano used to use HOB filters in his early work and he still uses Eheims on the gallery nanos, so I think its still an option to use one with an ADA tank.

As you say its always best to remove any equipment for proper photos anyways, most of the pros even remove glassware for competition images. I'll try and disguise the filter by either having it hanging off one of the sides or some kind of background.

ghostsword said:
But £75 for a ADA? I might just get one, it is a better bet it seems. 🙂
The TMC is still a sweet all in one setup but I got tempted by the ADA goodness! The tank was pretty steep by itself but as I'm not going for the full on expensive Solar Mini, glassware and CO2 setup its not too bad really. I think I may have had the last Mini 'S' they have in stock :crazy:
Oh yeah, didn't think about a background really, bit stupid as I have a hob and a black background, the filter doesn't really get in the way much in this tank because I have a really big piece of planted wood in it.
Got mine this morning too all up and running
It's sooooo cute