Thought worth resurrecting this thread as the early posts have led to some interesting results - and I think threads on particular common plants are probably quite a useful feature - and I'm starting a new tank based pretty much entirely on stauro. Here's an edited cross-post from my journal (hope that's ok!).
Cheers - prepped them a bit wrong and then couldn't be bothered to change them when it came to planting (as had so many :thumb up🙂 and was hard to get them deep enough as stems were a bit long, but have put some more in along your lines alongside these.

Spyder - might be worth doing a summary of your tips / findings on this thread. Think we're both using molar clay substrate and EI dosing.
spyder said:
Cheers - prepped them a bit wrong and then couldn't be bothered to change them when it came to planting (as had so many :thumb up🙂 and was hard to get them deep enough as stems were a bit long, but have put some more in along your lines alongside these.

Spyder - might be worth doing a summary of your tips / findings on this thread. Think we're both using molar clay substrate and EI dosing.