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Tips for using rainwater

Georgio Farmani

Thread starter
8 Oct 2024

I’ll be creating a Dutch style aquascape soon and I’m keen to optimise the water chemistry to optimise plant health and possible species choice.

My tap water is very hard (>300ppm TDS) and suspect isn’t appropriate for many of the more challenging stems that I may wish to grow.

I’ve tried RO but I’m not keen on the waste and extra labour.

I have plenty of rain water for free and considered diluting my tap with it. Maybe 50:50.

Does anyone do similar and treat their rain water with anything? Curious to hear your experiences such as collection method, any temperature adjustments during winter months, and any other tips.

Hi all,
Do you have to mineralise rain water?
It depends a little bit on what livestock you want to keep.

My rainwater has some calcium (Ca) and carbonate (2HCO3-) content, just because this is a limestone area.

Because I have hard, alkaline tap water I can use that to remineralise my tank water.

Cheers Darrel
I also use rainwater, collected off the roof and draining into a 400l water butt. I remineralise it to 0.5KH and 4Gh as I keep RCS. I use individual salts to remineralise, Epsom salts, calcium sulphate and potassium carbonate.