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Through the Rock - An Epic Journey

Great pictures!
I really like the first one (nice deep green) :thumbup:
Thanks mate!

Really nice. Your HC is not growing in substrate at all?

Thank you! 🙂 In this particular scape the hc is either just anchored between the rocks or growing on top of the cladophora. I did an experiment to use it as a "growing media/ anchor" and it works perfectly fine 🙂
The sand is always so clean or you doing some gravel cleaning some times?
I just siphon out the fish/ plants waste and the sand that is getting darker and time to time I add some more on top, to replenish.
Off-topic question, but what's the music you used in the first video? Quite unusual use of modes, which I rather like.

Also, lovely 'scape. I fancy having a go at the tall rock-work type scape soon, so seeing it as bare bones is very useful.
Hi Henry, the music was a free to use tune from the youtube library, but to be honest, don't remember the name, sorry!

Rovkwork is fun ☺ You will need a lot of rock to create a mountain or a gorge effect. I have used around 50kg of stone for this scape. Just make sure you support the stones well, so nothing can collapse.

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Yep I have started one for the new 45 cm, but need to update it. 🙂 it is called: After the Storm
And this weekend I am starting a new 120 and will use an extra hand from George, while down here in Portsmouth for the Seminar in the Local shop 😉 So will post updates and new journals, I promise!
Hi Antoni, Thank you will tune in 😉

Is the workshop here. Sun 13th Dec at Arundel Avaries and Fisheries in Portsmouth.

The Wife --Boss said I am free Sunday. All being well I will see you there 😀

Do you know the starting time ?? I will start out early from London to make it there on time 😉
Hi Antoni, Thank you will tune in 😉

Is the workshop here. Sun 13th Dec at Arundel Avaries and Fisheries in Portsmouth.

The Wife --Boss said I am free Sunday. All being well I will see you there 😀

Do you know the starting time ?? I will start out early from London to make it there on time 😉
Yep, this is the one ☺ I think it will start at around noon, but not sure just yet. Will be great to meet you there

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