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This years Pond


17 Mar 2008
So the wife was adamant that I cannot have the 30G Cube in the house.
So this morning Emptied one of the Daphnia Barrels into this tank.
It does not have many plants as yet, Just a few Yellow Flag Iris' and some Duckweed and Salvinia natans.
Have added a Red tiger lotus bulb to see it it grows outdoors.

Added Alot of Fake Ivy and Lots of rocks to make caves for the BN.
Is in partial shade and Daphnia spend the day swarming in the part that gets the most sun.
Fish: Black Chin Livebearers, Dwarf Platties, and pair of Yellow BN Pl*cs.


Ok Need a better pic as BB is tiny
Will Be adding more plants, when I go scav some from my neighbours pond.

Oh and There is plenty of Bogwood in there planted with Anubias Nana - Doing great and lots of growth.
greenjar said:
Gill said:
if someone could id this flower, it would be great mum loves them

Hi Gill

I'm pretty sure this is Herb-Robert, aka "Geranium Robertianum" :)

Brilliant, that is them. Dunno where they came from but have taken hold and spreading across the garden.
Yeah, native geranium, a real weed, grows in the walls of my house and anywhere that it can stick its roots.
Garuf said:
Yeah, native geranium, a real weed, grows in the walls of my house and anywhere that it can stick its roots.

Oh Cool, will move some of them around. Spotted a nice big one growing in earth excavated by ants in a brick.
Battling with Blanket weed at the moment, but hopefully will get that under control with more plants to out compete it.
Fish are Doing Great.

So Far:
Trio of Dwarf Red Platties
Trio of Gold Heterandria Formosa
5 Mixed Group of Black Chin Livebearers
Pair of Gold BN Pl*cs
Trio of SB Sailfin Mollies - Orange Male, Black and Silver females.
And some Greater Pond Snails and Assassins.

Fish are fed every 4 days with a big scoop from the other Daphnia Barrell, if the numbers in this have dwindled.

I found a Great way of making the water green really quick. Chucked a lots of Cauliflower Leaves in the barrel and left them for a week. Did smell a bit, but water went went green in a few days in a 90G barrel.