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This is my final rescape.. I promise!!

10 Jun 2007
Dorset, UK
After a month of being very unhappy with how it looked, not only due to a fert imbalance caused by me actually believing my water company, Ive decided to rescape.. and added some nicer plants as well.. here goes.



Obviously, needs to grow in alot yet. Ill post pics as it develops.
thanks for all your comments 🙂

although Im extremely good technically, I find it hard to 'create' sometimes.. this is the first time i can see potential in a scape ive done 🙂 will be fun to watch it grow up
Novermber 07 (for reference)

December 07, 4 weeks on.

Moved a few things about.. the E. Rosa has matured into its submersed leaf form which I think is lovely. The glosso is going nuts.

few things moved around for better space.
ive moved a few of the swords around as they needed more space, the E. Rosa are amazing plants, surprised not many uses them, incredible variation of leaf colours.. ive taken out most of the vals as they just got too annoying and i fancied a change. the only other plant im not sure about is the E. Marbled Queen, its a lovely plant, but I just cant make it fit anywhere.. what I might end up doing, is take out one of the E. Rosa's, will see how big they get.

the lotus is lovely, and i think makes a good focal point, so long as i keep chopping the roots back, the leaves dont get too big and out of control. i use a home made algae scraper (stanley knife blade on a stick!) to chop through the roots in the sand without lifting the plant. works lovely.

will see how it goes, i have some crypts you cant see yet, that are recovering after being almost totally rotted in transit, theyre sitting under the lotus, so will fill that gap.