Ill be doing the same come friday.. roll on pay day 🙂
one more question.. sorta goin back to the low tech thing.. if I ditch my co2, pull out the dwarf tears (that are already struggling), leave the lights on at 108w no reflectors and dose at 1/10th the daily ferts as earlier advised.. besides slower growth, which I dont mind if my fish are happy do you think ill get more algae problems? or plants dying? or looking quite frankly a bit sh!te cause I dont want to go from what ive got to havin a load of spindely weedy plants.
I mean what adverse affects would it have if I just switched it off now, probably know by now im inexperienced and this is the first planted/co2 tank ive had
one more question.. sorta goin back to the low tech thing.. if I ditch my co2, pull out the dwarf tears (that are already struggling), leave the lights on at 108w no reflectors and dose at 1/10th the daily ferts as earlier advised.. besides slower growth, which I dont mind if my fish are happy do you think ill get more algae problems? or plants dying? or looking quite frankly a bit sh!te cause I dont want to go from what ive got to havin a load of spindely weedy plants.
I mean what adverse affects would it have if I just switched it off now, probably know by now im inexperienced and this is the first planted/co2 tank ive had