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Thinking of going low tech


28 Feb 2013
Hi guys, im a little disheartened with the high tech planted tank it seems everything ive done so far has had adverse affects and im wondering if low tech would be a better option for the simple minded.

Im running a rio 400 with 4x 54w t5s with reflectors, although I only switch one set on. 2x all pond solution 2000lph filters. The substrate is aquasoil capped with jbl manado gravel

Im not 100% on all the plants in there due to buying alot in bulk which came with no descriptions or labels just a list and now alot have been removed. But for those who might know ive put few pics up, the ones I am sure of are :
hemanthius callichtrodes
Glossostigma elantoides
indian water fern
a few small java fern

please excuse the spelling

fish stocking is
1x ctenopoma actirostre (african leaf fish)
1x leopard frog pleco
2x algae eaters
2x bolivian rams
2x blue rams
3x kribensis
4x angels
5x polka dot loaches
13x bleeding heart tetras

ive already been dosing dry ferts KH2PO4, KNO3 and TNC trace mix following their guide which I know will have to be reduced alot in a low tech. But what do you think id need to do to have success in a low tech tank.


Ive already got pressurized co2 in there but I cant have any more than 6bps due to the loaches, even at that they are reclusive until lights/co2 out. Only recently started with dry fertz but my fish seem to be dying off by the day, 1 angel 2 days ago and a bleeding heart tetra yesterday. Ive had them for 4 months and had no problems. I only started dosing on tuesday

my dwarf tears arent doing much down to low co2 level thats why im trying the glossostigma.. I just want a nice foreground carpet. Also alot of the leaves on my other plants have brown algae on them you cant really tell from the pics but its lookin a bit naf when closely examined

id carry on with the high tech but the fertz dosing is goin a little over my head, I dont have means of testing everythin in the water so dont kno how much or how often I should be adding
Thanks for the info. Ive read im better having a heavily planted tank for low tech, do you think I should go for a different foreground plant? The dwarf tears arent doing well with low co2 so none im sure its just gonna rot. Im not 100% on the glossostigmas co2 demands either. Ill get a load more java fern i like how it looks when ya get a nice bunch of it.

Id persevere if the if the co2 wasnt poisoning my loaches and fertz werent doing my head in so much I know its not rocket science but as far as testing and calculating demands weekly pruning and heavy water changes etc its getting a bit stressfull to be a hobby
After talking with the better half.. think im gonna give it a few months and see how it goes maybe dosing less than I have been. I just dont know why all of a sudden in losing fish it just seems too much to be coincidence that my fish start dropping off when I start dosing dry fertz. I think ill use the guide for 250 - 400 litre rather than 400 - 600 guide that came with the ei kit.... feel a bit stupid for doing it now I think of it

2 external 2000lph filters with spray bars removed, both outlets are pumping diagonally from each corner to the centre of the tank. The co2 is diffused under an outlet and blown around the tank.. its not the best method I know but my plumbing skills arent to great and I cant find a inline diffuser for a 25mm pipe

oh just a note I had BGA before I ditched the spray bars so the flows improved from what it was. I immediatley saw the debris get whipped of my substrate when I took them off
I hear ya mate! I got a Rio400 aswell and been trying for the best part of a year to get it right. The first problem was the lighting, its a bit much for a planted tank and even though I bought reflectors I haven't even opened the packet as 108w is plenty without them. The second problem was Co2 distribution/flow from using 2 filters. I have alps 2000 and 1400 (UP Inline Atomizer attached) and I've been playing around with different positions for the spraybars and knowing that I needed another source of Co2 to the 2000, I was stumped. At the minute I have a 3-way needle valve on and one goes to my Inline and the 2nd goes to a glass diffuser under my 2000's inlet, but I'm having problems with them at switch on time as they dont both come on as they have been set the night before and they always need adjusting but that can't be done until I get home from work, so missing out on crucial hours before lights on ...... and breath !:cigar: Feel like a rant lol
Anyway, my next attempt is going to be to follow Amanos set-ups in large tanks like ours by adding lily pipes and using glass diffusers. I'm going to try, if I can even fit a lily pipe down into the water over the edge of a Juwel rio?? Anyway Im going to put the lily pipe onto the 1400 (Inline atomizer) and have the 2000 spraybar either under it or preferably above it and aided with 2 powerheads to get it down the length of the tank. I'm going to have a glass diffuser in the tank aswell, maybe even 2 more diffusers as I have a 3-way needle valve and have that option. One way or another I'll get there and I hope you do too, don't give up yet and your tank is looking sweet.
I would also ask the question about the fish you are keeping. What is more important to you, the loaches or a Co2/ferts dosed tank? I love Plecos and have one 8in one in mine but he is a torture and is going when I start my rescape, plus my last 4 kribs are going as they nibble on plants.
I know what ya sayin murf I think im half way through your first year lol. Its a kick in the teeth cause I got the bigger tank for my loaches and leaf fish, ive had em for years now so wanted to keep them really, if I hadnt id have probably had a go at a reef tank.

Tbh I think ive had less problems since I turned the lights down but the co2 and fertz is doing my nut in. I think about 5bps is tolerable to my loaches but diffusion is bad so I could probably get the same results from half the amount if I bought a reactor and got it around the tank better I think id just get 2 inline diffusers and wire them up to both filters. But ill see what problems I encounter next I need find a 25mm/16mm T joint or something so I can fit 2 inline diffusers.. I dont know the 1st thing about plumbing tho

I went for the leopard frog pleco, fancy sort, hes not a true plec I think hes a peckolita (sp?) , doesnt dig or destroy plants but he only gets to 4 inches and they need drift wood for staple diet 😉 also can cost upto £40
2 external 2000lph filters with spray bars removed, both outlets are pumping diagonally from each corner to the centre of the tank.

This doesn't sound very efficient in regards to flow parttern. It sounds like the filters are cancelling each other and water flows all over the place only to find a dead spot, possibly in the middle. The drop of f
low when you using the spraybars on the APS filters is because the spraybar and connectors are way narrower than the hose itself. I am not sure if there's any better ones to be fitted on these, but it's worth trying to replace with proper spraybars and then switch back to spraybar setup as that will give you a better flow pattern.
Wouldnt kno where to find one to fit a 25mm hose. Id probably have to bodge something unsightly together.

I hadnt best described it.. they arent pointing directly at the same point they are aimed about 1/4 of the way over the front glass from the left and right.. I cant see any visible dead spots, all plants are moving around etc but i cant imagine theres much flow either side of my wood. when I took the bars of my tank was literally vacum cleaned im not sure how id check for dead spots but at the minute it seems an improvement from the bars that came with it..I understand what you mean tho plus my co2 is only on one outlet so its not gonna mix/diffuse well either.

Im currently looking for a load of 25/16mm tee reducers to fit 2 inline diffusers if you know where I can find some supplies for a spray bar aswell id be greatful for a nudge in the right direction

thanks 😉
I hadnt best described it.. they arent pointing directly at the same point they are aimed about 1/4 of the way over the front glass from the left and right..

I understand you have the outlets on each side of the tank. That means the flow from one filter is trying to blow against the flow of the other filter one way or another despite the angle. It probably has improved the flow considering that the spraybars of the APS really reduce it to nothing, but you can do better than that arrangement 🙂

Im currently looking for a load of 25/16mm tee reducers to fit 2 inline diffusers if you know where I can find some supplies for a spray bar aswell id be greatful for a nudge in the right direction

If you can find a suitable spray bar for the APS, let me know as I am still using one of my filters like that 🙂
As for reducers, I'd not even attempt it on these filters as you'll again cripple the flow. Maybe some type of third device for that is better as not to affect the filter flow.
I meant a T joint to bypass the 25mm pipe with 2x25mm in an out of the join and a 16mm running to a diffuser.. and obviously another T further down so the diffused co2 can go back into the filter outlet tube... was suggested by foxfish so not to completely reduce the diameter/flow. Ill keep you posted.. looks like im gonna be diy'ing this weekend just hope itll look ok (and not leak) with the bodged spray bar plumbings not my thing...
How long has the tank been running for? I just couldn't see ferts being the reason for the deaths but the tank does look really nice right now!

what color is the drop checker? looks more yellowish in the picture.
Been runnin since end of march. Only added co2 maybe 2 months ago started dosing ferts last tuesday and was using api leaf zone for maybe a month before, I didnt think id need dose too much at first with using aquasoil for a base layer

the drop checker:

Its new enough to have diatoms eitherway.. unless its a brown algae but im no expert


All the rocks should be much lighter with different coloured layers, you can see it more in this next one but its still brown 🙁


I had ottos in my old 90litre which polished every diatom off, cant have em in here and my algae eaters dont seem interested
Ive not tried scrubbing the rocks if im honest i was hoping itd die off by now, but I do wipe it off my anubias with my finger before I siphon the tank Ill buy a dish scrubber and try and clean the rocks this saturday. They are pretty jagged rocks so scourers etc just get ripped up.

My lighting has been a bit high for my co2 when i ran 216w but ive turned a row off, im stuck at the minute getting a balance as my co2 is too high for my loaches as they are reclusive except on water change day. but barely enough for my plants. I guess with the light only 108w t5s with no reflectors the co2 demands will be lower, really didnt want get rid of the loaches which is one reason low tech seemed so appealing. I might just have to rehome them and look into another bottom dwelling species.

I hadnt picked most of the new fish, rams, angels etc. my leaf fish, frog pleco and loaches were from my old aquaone 165l but the missus had chose most of the new stock.
I suppose eels are a nono in planted tanks. Im not a huge fan on cories although I used to like my julii's the leaf fish will eat them now hes bigger. Cats are nocturnal so not really any point imo..

ill deal with that later I guess. gotta catch the loaches first thatll prob involve tearing my tank down and starting again by the time im finished