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The upgrade!

beeky said:
The only thing I would say, is that I'm not too keen on that piece of vertical slate. Looks like a partition's been put up.
I was thinking the same thing! There are lots of bits of vertical slate, that one's just the most prominent, maybe I'll have a switch around next time I prune things. Try and balance it a bit more.
Figured it's probably time for an update... it having been almost a month since my last one!

Quick photo taken this morning under naff lights

As you can see the stems have filled out lots, but now I'm not sure if I like them!

I've got some java moss attaching itself to some wood in a holding tank and I'm seriously considering removing the stems and having more low level darker plants with a patch of glosso allowed to grow up and some more bits of wood. My crypts are looking great and I really like the effect they give with the wood. I'm tempted to emulate this across the rest of the tank.

I can keep the stems growing happily in my holding tank if I do decide to make the change. Nothing's going to happen anytime soon anyway since I need to wait for the java moss to attach itself to the wood.

My rummy noses are also hiding behind the big slab of stems and they don't come out until lights out 🙁

Will see if I can get some better photos tonight to show what's working and what isn't.
Egmel, if you take off your tigers head costume* the Rummies might come out :lol: :lol: I wish I could offer something more constructive, but I have never had Rummies continuously hide.

I followed a similar pattern to you with my tank, little bit of wood and fern, then repeated it across the tank.
I still have the wood but have removed 95% of the fern biomass as they just got so big they ended up taking over.

The tank is looking good, it has a really healthy glow to it 😀

* EDIT - I just saw my own avatar after posting. I think I'm asking for trouble :lol: ...
a1Matt said:
Egmel, if you take off your tigers head costume* the Rummies might come out :lol: :lol: I wish I could offer something more constructive, but I have never had Rummies continuously hide.
I had to give the Tigger costume back after the campaign so unfortunately that's not the solution 😉
I followed a similar pattern to you with my tank, little bit of wood and fern, then repeated it across the tank.
I still have the wood but have removed 95% of the fern biomass as they just got so big they ended up taking over.
As far as I can tell I haven't got any ferns, plenty of crypts and possibly in the future Java Moss but no ferns (though my aquatic plant identification isn't as good as it should be!)
The tank is looking good, it has a really healthy glow to it 😀
Thanks, everything appears to be growing at last, except for the vallis which is sending out plenty of runners but not gaining any real height, I'm beginning to wonder if I have a dwarf variant with just a couple of odd long leaves!
Ok, so last night while doing the water change (at last, it's been almost 2 weeks 😳 ) I decided to rip out the stems and move the glosso across. On a plus note, despite the lack of water changes, my water was still clear and there was little to no algae. 😀

Not all the slow growing plants are in great nick at the moment but I'm waiting until the new growth has taken off before removing some of the algaed leaves.
After - Excuse the naff camera phone pics, I'd left my camera at work 🙄

On reflection I think the glosso is still too tall and should have been trimmed down further, I'll see if I can do that sooner rather than later.

The old stems are sitting in my holding tank with a dose of ammonia, hopefully this will remove the snails without damaging the plants. If this works then I'll post at least some of them on the buy sell and swap section.
I like the way this is going. You could also grow moss or even riccia (!) all over your cobbles, that would make a nice transition to the sandy foreground.

When you first added your rummies that photo made me think I wanted some, but ever since that first photo they have been hiding. Have you tried a black backdrop to make the rummies feel more secure? I recall reading somewhere it alleviates stress in clownfish so maybe it helps with rummies too?
Removing the hygrophila has made the tank look loads bigger and now your rummies have no place to hide... Like said, you could try a black background. My hengeli rasboras were quite skittish until I put a black bacground in place and now they are like different fish.
The rummies are getting bolder, they are out in the foreground more often, they still have room to hide behind the glosso and the slates/wood but now they have a clearer escape route if they feel threatened.

I think their timidness might be a mixture of the bright sand and no background but I don't really want a black background or darker substrate, they're fully rummed up so I don't think they're actually stressed by it, I may consider getting some sort of floating plant though to give them a bit of shade.

Having started a thread about their behaviour elsewhere it seems that mine are more timid than most. Other people don't have the same problem with them at all.

I've got some wood with some moss attaching itself in a holding tank, I'll probably put this in when it's got into full flow. Not sure I really want to attach anything to the cobbles, I like their red/pink colour.
Yeay for Birthday's

I now have pressurised CO2 via the FE method and 12 Copper Harlequin rasboras. 😀

The rummy noses are much happier now that they have someone to show them the big tank isn't so scary, they pop out to the front a lot more often and the rasboras have only been there 2 days 🙂

No photos as yet but I'll get some when I'm next home before lights out!
Happy Birthday Egmel! 8)

I'm really pleased that your rummies are coming out for you now.
Ok so I'm going to have a go at better arranging the crypts and foreground plants this weekend, now that they've had a chance to grow in I can see the various heights and colours better than when they first arrived (maybe I should buy better plants next time!)

Here are some photos of the tank as it was yesterday evening. There's quite a bit of algae on lots of the older leaves but the new ones are looking good and now that the CO2 is in they're really taking off. The snails are out in abundance, something else I'm going to have a go at this weekend.

If anybody has any idea of the names of any of the plants that I don't refer to by name then that would be great 🙂

So first off the full tank shot.

Egg laden shrimp in the Dwarf Hair Grass

I've no idea what this is but I love the pink underside's to its leaves 🙂

Again another unknown, possibly a ludwegia of some sort with creeping jenny in the background. I'm really pleased with this one though as it's just starting to show non-algefied leaves so I can start to remove the algae covered ones 🙂

Some rummy noses with spiral and plain vallis in the background and a greener version of that possibly ludwegia stuff!

Really don't know what this one is... maybe dwarf sag?!! It's about an inch to 2 inches tall and very similar to vallis.

Another unknown, similar to the one above but broader leaves (about 1/2 inch) and bigger <4 inches tall.

Crypts, Glosso and my lilly

More Crypts (and some perfect examples of me getting tall ones at the front!)
3010627562_6cf8304d4a.jpg 3009785679_ff3916457d.jpg 3010623156_c7124583b3.jpg 3010620544_51a3edc94e.jpg 3010624050_1ee753bac2.jpg

So tasks for the weekend
  • Sort out crypt/grass/foreground plant arrangement
  • Start removing algae covered leaves
  • Beat the pest snails into submission
  • Remember to wipe the water marks off the glass before taking after shots!
Thats a nice set of pics. The tank is looking really nice.

I fall into the same trap as you with regards to plant sizes. I think it is one of the things that sets us apart from the experienced aquascapers on here. Now you have added CO2 you will see many of your plants not just grow faster but also much larger 😉

Take Dwarf sag (which I can confirm from your pic is in your tank!) - Mine stayed at about 2 to 3" in height. After CO2 it just creeps up and up. I took it all out of my tank last week and the tallest leaves were 2foot in height and were still getting taller :shock:
This has come on some way hasnt it!!!!

The Sag, is Sagittaria subulata..it should stay small even if Co2 is added. a1, it doesnt sound like SB that you have.

The other plant looks like an Echinodorus uruguayensis to me.

Thanks for the comments and species identification
Graeme Edwards said:
The Sag, is Sagittaria subulata..it should stay small even if Co2 is added. a1, it doesnt sound like SB that you have.
Unless, you have 'certain conditions' from the tropica description on AE
This plant may cause problems because in certain conditions it suddenly grows to a height of 50 cm when it grows older. But if it is then moved into the background it may become low again.

Graeme Edwards said:
The other plant looks like an Echinodorus uruguayensis to me.
Looks about right to me, not sure about it growing to 55cm :shock: might have to move that slightly further back!

Still no wiser on the random pink plant but I think that the ludwigia might be a repens variety.
Ahhh, thats interesting...

The red/pink plant looks like Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink' (roseafolia). Google it and you will see it looks like what you have. Lovely plant, I had it in my 90cm, grows well emursed too. Big plant and can get stems as thick as your finger on them.

Hope that helps.
That's the one, I completely overlooked that tropica picture because it didn't look big leaved enough. Now of course I realise they were showing a big plant!

I got a little bit carried away this afternoon and took out everything except the vallis and the swords in an attempt to reduce the number of pest snails and organise the crypts.

My moss has attached itself to the wood and I'm just taking a tea break before putting everything back in again. I want to get rid of the slate and try to have the woodland feel more prominent.

Will hopefully get some photos tomorrow evening (I don't anticipate getting everything done this evening and there will invariably be some stuff left in buckets of water overnight.).

Right back to work!
Great tank, Egmel!
What confuses me though is that I read you have Glosso in your tank. Can it grow that high (just like a stem plant)? By the shape of the leaves I first thought it is HM, but now, I don't know any more.
Egmel said:
Thanks for the comments and species identification
Graeme Edwards said:
The Sag, is Sagittaria subulata..it should stay small even if Co2 is added. a1, it doesnt sound like SB that you have.
Unless, you have 'certain conditions' from the tropica description on AE
This plant may cause problems because in certain conditions it suddenly grows to a height of 50 cm when it grows older. But if it is then moved into the background it may become low again.

I hear what you are saying Graeme, but I am still sure that the plant is Sagittaria subulata. The quote from Tropica seems to describe my plant quite well. It did stay small for a couple of years. Then CO2 gave it a good boost, and when then coupled with increased macros it went into overdrive! I had to increase my CO2 from 1bps to 3bps to cope with the increased mass. The leaves point straight up at the high growth rates as well, not to dissimilar to Vallisneria Spiralis in appearance. I think without the higher CO2 the plant would never have transformed. It was maybe quite an extreme example to illustrate how you can get an overall increase in size from your plants when adding CO2 😳 :lol:

I've donated and sold the plants away to a few members on here, so would be curious to know if they have had the same high growth in their tank.