Ok so I'm going to have a go at better arranging the crypts and foreground plants this weekend, now that they've had a chance to grow in I can see the various heights and colours better than when they first arrived (maybe I should buy better plants next time!)
Here are some photos of the tank as it was yesterday evening. There's quite a bit of algae on lots of the older leaves but the new ones are looking good and now that the CO2 is in they're really taking off. The snails are out in abundance, something else I'm going to have a go at this weekend.
If anybody has any idea of the names of any of the plants that I don't refer to by name then that would be great
So first off the full tank shot.
Egg laden shrimp in the Dwarf Hair Grass
I've no idea what this is but I love the pink underside's to its leaves
Again another unknown, possibly a ludwegia of some sort with creeping jenny in the background. I'm really pleased with this one though as it's just starting to show non-algefied leaves so I can start to remove the algae covered ones
Some rummy noses with spiral and plain vallis in the background and a greener version of that possibly ludwegia stuff!
Really don't know what this one is... maybe dwarf sag?!! It's about an inch to 2 inches tall and very similar to vallis.
Another unknown, similar to the one above but broader leaves (about 1/2 inch) and bigger <4 inches tall.
Crypts, Glosso and my lilly
More Crypts (and some perfect examples of me getting tall ones at the front!)
So tasks for the weekend
- Sort out crypt/grass/foreground plant arrangement
- Start removing algae covered leaves
- Beat the pest snails into submission
- Remember to wipe the water marks off the glass before taking after shots!