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The Nymph's Spring (EA900)

Some of my buces are looking shocking, and not all plants are doing well so I've decided to start fiddling with co2 and ferts again.

Lowered the pressure from 50 psi to 35
Upped the co2 to 10 bubbles per second to get the drop checker lime green, fish seem fine.
Adjusted the flow so it goes out more and doesn't just hit the wood.

I've been using the instructions from my aquarium plant food for my ferts, alternating about 30ml a day of macro and micro, with added iron. So I guess will up this? 😂 Not sure on this yet, @Courtneybst had suggested a way to do it with all ferts combined in a super recipe so I will try that!

The tank is looking great but not all the plants are happy, and it's really annoying! I don't think it's just the flow of the wood, otherwise all my buces on the wood would look amazing and they don't. Lmk if you have any suggestions.

Are you using any glut based products?
Are you using any glut based products?

I asked on Instagram and several people have suggested that is a potassium deficiency, especially because my floating and emergent plants are doing great, they're sucking it all up and leaving none for the buces.

Anyone got any suggestions on what the best dry salt is to add extra of for this? I have potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate, or happy to order something else.
Anyone got any suggestions on what the best dry salt is to add extra of for this? I have potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate, or happy to order something else.
if you dont mind extra no3, kno3 is just fine. if not, then you can add some k2so4. ofcourse it could be something entirely different. but trouble shooting from macros is relatively easy. sometimes adding more po4 can reduce the amount of gsa. if all else fails and EI doesn't work, tropica is a very good fert and if you want to make your own similar lean fert see this thread Lean dosing pros and cons bit of a long thread, but worth it if you'd like to know a bit more about ferts.

I asked on Instagram and several people have suggested that is a potassium deficiency, especially because my floating and emergent plants are doing great, they're sucking it all up and leaving none for the buces.

Anyone got any suggestions on what the best dry salt is to add extra of for this? I have potassium nitrate and potassium phosphate, or happy to order something else.

It was just a thought, as I had the exact same issue with Buce when I was dosing Glut daily:

I know everyone will point at potassium when you get holes in leaves, and it could well be, but using tap water (which may have a decent amount) and dosing EI, I’d be surprised if all the potassium was getting used up. That said APFUK dosing is a fair bit less than EI for potassium, so there is no harm adding more.

As @plantnoobdude says, you can buy some Potassium Sulphate if you just want to add potassium, or if you are farming off a load of floaters each week, then they will likely be sucking up most of your nitrates, so adding more Potassium Nitrate shouldn’t be a problem.
It was just a thought, as I had the exact same issue with Buce when I was dosing Glut daily:

I know everyone will point at potassium when you get holes in leaves, and it could well be, but using tap water (which may have a decent amount) and dosing EI, I’d be surprised if all the potassium was getting used up. That said APFUK dosing is a fair bit less than EI for potassium, so there is no harm adding more.

As @plantnoobdude says, you can buy some Potassium Sulphate if you just want to add potassium, or if you are farming off a load of floaters each week, then they will likely be sucking up most of your nitrates, so adding more Potassium Nitrate shouldn’t be a problem.
To be fair I keep meaning to dose glut to try and kill my clado, but I can never be bothered to do it, I always think I'm gonna wander of and forget to turn the filter in again!

Interestingly some buces are ok, they are higher up in the tank. Idk what that means though, only my mini buce is growing the rest are either holey or doing nothing.

I'm gonna dose more potassium and see what happens!! We'll see if people are right or not, I hope they are. One person asked if I had a lot of floaters as they suck a lot of it up, and of course I have loads and lots of emergents which are all growing amazingly well so I think it is a possibility. The top half of the tank grows much better than the bottom half tbh. I put my drop checker at the bottom today though and it was still nice and green.

I'm going to add potassium nitrate this week as I have it, and order more potassium sulphate to use in general. I haven't been posting much attention to my ferts tbh and now am thinking that's something that really needs more focus!!

if you dont mind extra no3, kno3 is just fine. if not, then you can add some k2so4. ofcourse it could be something entirely different. but trouble shooting from macros is relatively easy. sometimes adding more po4 can reduce the amount of gsa. if all else fails and EI doesn't work, tropica is a very good fert and if you want to make your own similar lean fert see this thread Lean dosing pros and cons bit of a long thread, but worth it if you'd like to know a bit more about ferts.
I think I'll add more potassium nitrate just this week and order the sulphate version tomoz to use going forward. I have been getting a bit more green spot algae recently!! I wonder if it's part of it. Tbh would prefer to make my own, I think it will just be cheaper, especially as I'm now realising I need to dose a lot. I don't really care about dosing lean as I have no stems to go red.
I have loads and lots of emergents which are all growing amazingly well so I think it is a possibility.
yeah, that's probably it.
I don't really care about dosing lean as I have no stems to go red.
lean has loads of benefits, for fish plants and you. though it does take some time to get right. less toxic micro nutrients for fish and less demand on co2 which is good for you and your fish. less water changes, many plants do better with less stunting. I have recently started implementing a "lean" dosing regime and see lots of benefit not just for red plants, though it may not be 100% necessarry as your tank seems fern/ easy plant dominated. but of course, tinkering with everything is part of the fun!
I think it will just be cheaper,
definitely, it's just a bit more complicated, if you want to clone a fert like seachem or tropica. because they use multipl sources of nutrients and different chelators for micros.

Tank looks really nice btw! a more natural tank seems really nice, and im considering one.
yeah, that's probably it.

lean has loads of benefits, for fish plants and you. though it does take some time to get right. less toxic micro nutrients for fish and less demand on co2 which is good for you and your fish. less water changes, many plants do better with less stunting. I have recently started implementing a "lean" dosing regime and see lots of benefit not just for red plants, though it may not be 100% necessarry as your tank seems fern/ easy plant dominated. but of course, tinkering with everything is part of the fun!

definitely, it's just a bit more complicated, if you want to clone a fert like seachem or tropica. because they use multipl sources of nutrients and different chelators for micros.

Tank looks really nice btw! a more natural tank seems really nice, and im considering one.
Ahh ok, you've peaked my interest!! How did you work out your lean dosing regime? I am always happy to do things to make my fish happier 🙂 It seems like more is the time to focus on ferts and learn how to get it right. I do have easy plants, but not all of them are thriving and I really want a luscious tank!!

Thank you 🙂 I really love having a naturalistic tank, its so serene and the fish are really thriving.
Ahh ok, you've peaked my interest!! How did you work out your lean dosing regime? I am always happy to do things to make my fish happier 🙂 It seems like more is the time to focus on ferts and learn how to get it right. I do have easy plants, but not all of them are thriving and I really want a luscious tank!!
I am basing my nutrients on mostly marschner ratio
I don't remember 100% but do you use hard tap for the tank? if so it might be a bit more difficult to impliment and i won't be of much help because i have very softwater. @ Happi might be able to advise though.
I also add all N from Urea, though i wouldn't do so in your tank, because of (if i remember correctly, the hard tapwater.) some other people are experimenting with such dosing in the thread I shared above.
I am dosing,
3ppmN (13ppm No3)
0.39ppm P (1.2ppm Po4)
2ppm K
and currently experimenting with micros, current level is 0.05ppm Fe dtpa as proxy per week.

EI levels are 30ppm NO3, 20ppm K, 3ppm Po3 and 0.5ppm Fe.

like i said before the method is not for everyone, but if you love tinkering to no end, then i'd suggest it!
the first thing i'd suggest is reading through the lean dosing pros and cons thread!
I've been very naughty and ordered more plants from Wildwoods World of Water, after they posted a fabulous list of new plants that I haven't seen around since before Brexit or ever here! So here's hoping that extra potassium is working 😂

I bought some Microsorum sunrise, a fabulous spiky Java fern, Eriocaulon Vietnam, an easy eriocaulon which reminds me of tiny bromeliads that I've wanted for ages, Homalomena sp. Sedaka South a nice unusual aroid and Piptospatha ridleyi another nice unusual aroid with spots on. The latter 2 come in invitro pots so are just a fun experiment, you know I can't resist an interesting aroid!! There were a few other plants on the list I'd like but were already gone by the time I asked, but apparently they'll be getting more in soon and this is a new regular supplier. It really pissed me off that I joined the hobby just as Brexit hit and cut off all these amazing plants and other things for us to use so glad businesses are finding new suppliers!

<You can see the list on their first post here>. This isn't a promo or anything, just love sharing where I've found fabulous unusual plants with you guys since I know you love it too. There's some great plants like rotala blood red on the list that I haven't seen since 2020. You can call them to order, best to ask for Dan.
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I am basing my nutrients on mostly marschner ratio
I don't remember 100% but do you use hard tap for the tank? if so it might be a bit more difficult to impliment and i won't be of much help because i have very softwater. @ Happi might be able to advise though.
I also add all N from Urea, though i wouldn't do so in your tank, because of (if i remember correctly, the hard tapwater.) some other people are experimenting with such dosing in the thread I shared above.
I am dosing,
3ppmN (13ppm No3)
0.39ppm P (1.2ppm Po4)
2ppm K
and currently experimenting with micros, current level is 0.05ppm Fe dtpa as proxy per week.

EI levels are 30ppm NO3, 20ppm K, 3ppm Po3 and 0.5ppm Fe.

like i said before the method is not for everyone, but if you love tinkering to no end, then i'd suggest it!
the first thing i'd suggest is reading through the lean dosing pros and cons thread!
I use 50/50 tap/rainwater, so I'm not sure how that affects things. To be honest I think your awareness of ferts is a bit above my level right now, wow! I'm thinking in going to try this recipe @Courtneybst shared with me that's quite generous, and then once my growth is actually good across the board work out how to reduce it down like you do. I definitely think it's the way to go in the future though, I really like the idea of having cleaner water for the fish, and I do love tinkering! Will read through that thread and see if I can understand it all a bit better, as a dyslexic person it can be a bit 😱
I've been very naughty and ordered more plants from Wildwoods World of Water, after they posted a fabulous list of new plants that I haven't seen around since before Brexit or ever here! So here's hoping that extra potassium is working 😂

I bought some Microsorum sunrise, a fabulous spiky Java fern, Eriocaulon Vietnam, an easy eriocaulon which reminds me of tiny bromeliads that I've wanted for ages, Homalomena sp. Sedaka South a nice unusual aroid and Piptospatha ridleyi another nice unusual aroid with spots on. The latter 2 come in invitro pots so are just a fun experiment, you know I can't resist an interesting aroid!! There were a few other plants on the list I'd like but we're already gone by the time I asked, but apparently they'll be getting more in soon and this is a new regular supplier. It really pissed me off that I joined the hobby just as Brexit hit and cut off all these amazing plants and other things for us to use so glad businesses are finding new suppliers!

<You can see the list on their first post here>. This isn't a promo or anything, just love sharing where I've found fabulous unusual plants with you guys since I know you love it too. There's some great plants like rotala blood red on the list that I haven't seen since 2020. You can call them to order, best to ask for Dan.

Ooooo . . . some nice rarities on that list!! You are very lucky having that store so close to home, but seriously Rosie, you surely can’t have any more room in that tank? 😂
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Ooooo . . . some nice rarities on that list!! You are very lucky having that store so close to home, but seriously Rosie, you surely can’t have any more room in that tank? 😂
A gardener knows there's always a bit of space for new plants! 😂 I've suddenly turned into my parents it's very disconcerting, but when a lovely plant is on offer for a reasonable price what are you meant to do, not buy it????

This time I didn't visit, I saw on Instagram they were posting the list on facebook, so I messaged them on Instagram to reserve my plants and then called to pay. All rather round about, but it feels quite exciting and exclusive when you can't just "add to cart", especially when some plants are already gone within 30 mins of the list being posted!!!

Oh my goodness that plant list makes me want to cry 😭😍 If you run out of room you could send some if those beauties over to me instead.. 😘
I saw it and was like 😱😱😱!! But your LFS seems to have some amazing buces and crypts! What would you get on the list if you could?
Headed over to wildwoods as soon as I heard of the sale (earlier today). And when I went over there they didn't have much left LOL. some crypts pontederifolia, homalomena, anubias pinto, ammania towuti and crypt nurrii is what i remember. ended up going home with a small bit of buce. haha. It is an awesome shop, but I must say, if you really are after rare plants, it is better to buy from other hobbyists. the plants are much healthier, you get a lot more, and you can get lots of stuff that is really rarely available commercially.
Headed over to wildwoods as soon as I heard of the sale (earlier today). And when I went over there they didn't have much left LOL. some crypts pontederifolia, homalomena, anubias pinto, ammania towuti and crypt nurrii is what i remember. ended up going home with a small bit of buce. haha. It is an awesome shop, but I must say, if you really are after rare plants, it is better to buy from other hobbyists. the plants are much healthier, you get a lot more, and you can get lots of stuff that is really rarely available commercially.
Oh no! 😭 I reserved my plants within 30 mins of them posting the list and already missed out on some things. From what they said on the phone this is a new supplier so they just bought a few of each to see what the quality was like. I'm sure they'll be ordering more soon with this reception!

I do buy rare plants from fellow hobbyists on UKAPS too, but tbh I just haven't seen many unusual plants for sale since Brexit, compared to say what is available on on Aquasabi. It is my aim to get my tank better balanced so all my unusual plants grow well and I can help by distributing them too 🙂 Do you know other places with fellow hobbyists that sell rare plants?
Oh no! 😭 I reserved my plants within 30 mins of them posting the list and already missed out on some things. From what they said on the phone this is a new supplier so they just bought a few of each to see what the quality was like. I'm sure they'll be ordering more soon with this reception!

I do buy rare plants from fellow hobbyists on UKAPS too, but tbh I just haven't seen many unusual plants for sale since Brexit, compared to say what is available on on Aquasabi. It is my aim to get my tank better balanced so all my unusual plants grow well and I can help by distributing them too 🙂 Do you know other places with fellow hobbyists that sell rare plants?
you usually find people with nice plants and ask them to sell a couple stems lol. macek.g and roland both on ukaps have some really unusual stuff.
also, k2aqua on ebay have some nice rarities, tonina species, ludwigia white, ludwigia cuba, rotala red cross, homalomena, piptospatha, eriocaulon species and many other rarities. also a new seller on ebay called buce_uk. though i would suggest the above hobbyists anyday over any company/retailer selling plants though.
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Do you know other places with fellow hobbyists that sell rare plants?

Not necessarily that many ‘rare’ plants available, but 'Aquarium Plant & Moss Sales UK' group on BAND has a steady trickle of plants available:

As you say though, I miss having access to Aquasabi!
you usually find people with nice plants and ask them to sell a couple stems lol. macek.g and roland both on ukaps have some really unusual stuff.

also, k2aqua on ebay have some nice rarities, tonina species, ludwigia white, ludwigia cuba, rotala red cross, homalomena, piptospatha, eriocaulon species and many other rarities. also a new seller on ebay called buce_uk. though i would suggest the above hobbyists anyday over any company/retailer selling plants though.

Ahh I have heard of these, I just kill all my stem plants so I've made myself blind to them so as to not tempt myself into buying plants that'll immediately wither away! 😂 One day I'll have a fabuluous 100% rainwater colourful stem tank and be hitting them up though!

Waiting for the potassium to definitely get better before any unusual buce makes an appearance, + I'm still unsure about the ethics of buces tbh. Didn't realise the piptospatha and homalomena though, that's great. To me k2aqua and buce_uk are actual retailers, they're importing and selling like a business, I have nothing against that I had a small business myself! When I went to World of Water I always chat to the guy there who orders in all the plants, he's a hobbyist too who just loves interesting plants like us, so to me they aren't a faceless company. Tbh in this hobby it seems like a lot of the companies and shops are just run by passionate hobbyists, I think that's why some of the shops are so nice.

Not necessarily that many ‘rare’ plants available, but 'Aquarium Plant & Moss Sales UK' group on BAND has a steady trickle of plants available:

As you say though, I miss having access to Aquasabi!
I think my friend found some nice unusual moss on there a while ago! Quite a lot of things to trawl through but it's always more satisfying to find something fabulous then, will remember to take the occasional look!
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