"Look at me; I design coastlines. I got an award for Norway. Where’s the sense in that? None that I’ve been able to make out. I’ve been doing fiords all my life, for a fleeting moment they become fashionable and I get a major award. In this replacement Earth we’re building they’ve given me Africa to do, and of course I’m doing it with all fjords again, because I happen to like them, and I’m old fashioned enough to think that they give a lovely baroque feel to a continent. And they tell me it’s not equatorial enough. Equatorial! What does it matter? Science has achieved some wonderful things of course, but I’d far rather be happy than right any day!" - Slartibartfast
Reader warning: This is a low energy journal. The frequency of updates is going to be, well, glacial. And they will keep pace with, and possibly exceed progress.
Father Christmas (in the guise of my mum) was kind enough to deliver a 40cm rimless cube for my home office. The plan is to keep a Betta and a few other inhabitants in it. My rough plan has everything ready for the Betta by August. But that might prove to be too aggressive a timeline, so we'll see. The catch is that my home office has 3 outside walls (ex-garage) and the temperature in the summer gets pretty hot for sustained periods. so I'm going to run this tank warm in the summer (28 degrees) and cooler (23/24) in the winter. I take my inspiration from thisarticle in seriously fish that talks about temperature variation. The filter will be a sponge filter - or possibly two to provide some backup. And I'm going to run 50/50 tap water and rain water.
At the moment the cube is acting as a glorified stand for my shrimp quarantine tank and its solitary inhabitant. She's getting steadily better and I hope will be able to join her shrimpy friends in a few week's time. Her struggle with Cladogonium ogishimae is being documented here.
The scape will be Betta and shrimp friendly. I'm going to use this tank as the destination for any CRS babies that are reverting to wild type, to keep the other tanks marginally redder, and also because then they'll be harder for the Betta to spot so he'll be less likely to eat them.
The next purchase is going to be lighting. That will come in February (the New Ice Age has a monthly budget, and January's got used up paying the Christmas credit card bill
). I've been perusing lighting for Nano cubes for a while now and I am moving up, rather than down the confusion curve. Should I use a spot or an LED bar? If it's a spot what's the advantage of a Kessil over a Lominie? If it's a bar, why is it that Chihiros offer about 6 different alternatives that would all fit a 40CM rimless? As usual when faced with a daunting choice overload, I'm going to create a stupidly large spreadsheet of all the lighting options. It will have lots of columns in it and I will be able to filter on a tonne of variables. Lumens, PAR, Cost, Power, Degrees, Temperature, Star sign, etc. Whilst this will leave me none the wiser, at least I will feel like I'm in control.
Here's a picture of the (still wrapped) quarantine tank stand.

Reader warning: This is a low energy journal. The frequency of updates is going to be, well, glacial. And they will keep pace with, and possibly exceed progress.
Father Christmas (in the guise of my mum) was kind enough to deliver a 40cm rimless cube for my home office. The plan is to keep a Betta and a few other inhabitants in it. My rough plan has everything ready for the Betta by August. But that might prove to be too aggressive a timeline, so we'll see. The catch is that my home office has 3 outside walls (ex-garage) and the temperature in the summer gets pretty hot for sustained periods. so I'm going to run this tank warm in the summer (28 degrees) and cooler (23/24) in the winter. I take my inspiration from thisarticle in seriously fish that talks about temperature variation. The filter will be a sponge filter - or possibly two to provide some backup. And I'm going to run 50/50 tap water and rain water.
At the moment the cube is acting as a glorified stand for my shrimp quarantine tank and its solitary inhabitant. She's getting steadily better and I hope will be able to join her shrimpy friends in a few week's time. Her struggle with Cladogonium ogishimae is being documented here.
The scape will be Betta and shrimp friendly. I'm going to use this tank as the destination for any CRS babies that are reverting to wild type, to keep the other tanks marginally redder, and also because then they'll be harder for the Betta to spot so he'll be less likely to eat them.
The next purchase is going to be lighting. That will come in February (the New Ice Age has a monthly budget, and January's got used up paying the Christmas credit card bill

Here's a picture of the (still wrapped) quarantine tank stand.
