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The Henge part 2 MA @ eastbridgford

George Farmer said:
I guess in time the staff will be able to make these decisions independently - which will be rewarding for you, I'm sure.

Matt, the manager is a sponge for info.and is totally on the ball. he's real keen and is learning all the time. i reckon he listens to me chuntering away to my self :lol: and picks up bits of info. i try to explain the different methods of controlling certain types of algae just by adding different amounts of powders or adjusting co2, flow or photo periods. i do know 100% he's passing on brilliant info to customers regards to maintenance, WC, filter cleaning etc....

i also know there's been one or 2 success stories (through this tank) regards to customers adopting EI and correct co2 dosing and have now rid them selves of algae issues 8) (i'm waving the CEG flag of love, spread the word....EI rules)
Hopefully Sam has told one of his staff members @ the dukeries that PO4 doesnt cause algae too 😛 I was talking for about 20mins before he had nothing else to say lol.

one of the downsides of having just 1 day to make all of these decisions, then leave it for a week.

well you are skilled to get it looking that good. Alright i know the staff are taking good care but it is still a big learning curve for them i presume.
what a day!

the tank was due it's photograph session today, so i thought it would be good to change part iof the water to lower the level of the tank so i could get the floating leaves (theres a horrible brace around the inside)

as i started re filling, there was a load of fine particles enter the tank :shock: quickly switched the tap off, but the damage was done.cloudy water about half hour before it was due to be photographed.

so, i did a 50% w/c....wrong thing to do! it started pearling. just like lemonade! double whammy nightmare. anyway, switching light off and leaving it for 5 minutes calmed things down....

here's george showing off his photography skills.....which are pretty damn good BTW! (i saw his preview screen 😉 )


and here's me Dan and George....


after the images were taken, i gave this tank a real slash and hack! i've been dying to do that for ages. it's first real trim.
SteveUK said:
how long was it untill you had your hands wet Mark after the last photo? :lol:

about 30 minutes after the guys left. 😛

The tank was desperate for a trim, I'd been holding back for a while due to the photograph. after trimming the blyxa i discovered rocks I'd forgot I'd put in. it just opened the scape wide open again.
i've removed a tone of tenellus and runners, trimmed the HC hard. just got to wait a few more weeks for the stems.
Nice pics, Mark!

The tank isn't as its peak yet and the pearling was pretty intense but we got some good shots for a nice PFK feature.

We discussed some interesting plans to improve the 'scape further, and I think it will look really amazing in another few weeks.

Thanks to Mark and the shop's staff for their kind hospitality. They even closed the doors to customers so we could turn off all the lights for the photo shoot.

I'd encourage half-decent 'scapers with some spare time to do what Mark has done, and approach their LFS with regards setting up a decent planted display tank.

Spread the word!

I know you guys love pics, so here's some of the beloved riccia....

Tom said:
There's a certain murderous look about the three of you... George and Mark look a bit dangerous, and Dan's just like "yeah baby!" :?

it's the catalogue look dont you know....

nice image george, look forward to the others. i just got fizzy lemonade shots.

Nick16 said:
what do you do with the stuff you remove? does MA take it, or do you take it, or does the bin take it? :lol:

the bin see's most of TBH. it's not worth saving.
aaronnorth said:
The tank is coming on nicely, it has thickened out well.

the blyxa went mental. i've thinned that out too in a big'ish way,

aaronnorth said:
Surely theres another tank spare which could use some of the cuttings

not really mate, I'm not into hanging on to cuttings neither. i've done that and ended up with a bag full of death so to speak. or a tank thats bulging with plants i'll not use for some time. the new in store tank wont use any of these.
Hi Mark,

really coming on now,thats why i love this hobby,the picture always changes every couple of weeks,

regards john.
I'll look forward to seeing this in PFK, should be a good feature.

I agree that more people should definately approach their LFS about doing a display tank!

I never reaslised George was such a poser :lol:
Fred Dulley said:
Lovely scape, Mark.
Should be chuffed 🙂
Tom said:
There's a certain murderous look about the three of you... George and Mark look a bit dangerous

That's towards the N and P haters out there.

Lovely scape, Mark.
Should be chuffed 🙂

cheers matey. i'm happy with it. 😀

more images added....about 9 or so.

hi Mark, big fan of this scape, just really cusious as to how you have your Filter circulation is setup and whats your tips on sucess through inlet and outlet positioning, I also noticed the Korolia 2 Power head and I am thinking of investing in one does it make a big diffrence with it?
I Have a TTEX1200 fited to my 125l tank with a spray bar spanning most of the back facing slightly down and the inlet in the opposite corner. what would you recomend mate?
Vito said:
hi Mark, big fan of this scape, just really cusious as to how you have your Filter circulation is setup and whats your tips on sucess through inlet and outlet positioning, I also noticed the Korolia 2 Power head and I am thinking of investing in one does it make a big diffrence with it?
I Have a TTEX1200 fited to my 125l tank with a spray bar spanning most of the back facing slightly down and the inlet in the opposite corner. what would you recomend mate?

sorry for the delay. i have the inlet and outlet at the same end. i think most have it this way?.....the korolia is placed alongside the outlet with co2 directly underneath the korolia.

i'm not really sure on spray bars. i personally wouldn't use them, and if i did, maybe have it shooting water the full length of the tank 😀

OK, yesterday i went a bit dippy! 😛 i hadn't been in the shop for a while and was curious to know how things were looking.thankfully everything was fine, apart from the stems which were at the top of the tank.
now usually, i'd trim them which i started to do....THEN, i realised it's a bank holiday weekend :shock: CUSTOMERS would want to see the stems in all there glory. too late, I'd started cutting, but i decided to leave a thicket so people thought it looked deliberate.


since George came to do a feature, i've trimmed the HC, tenellus and such into shape. upped the kno3 dosing and the HC flourished.(a tip from ceg)

I'm looking forward to redoing the tank using more varieties of stems 😀