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The Green Machine.

Re: Greetings from The Green Machine...

Hello and welcome!

Its great to see such a local and inspirational shop! I hope that you set the standard for all the other aquarium shops to strive for. After all this is what Ukaps is all about.
We want to see this hobby expand and advance in the UK to even half as near as it is in the far east.
You've taken a brave step to go out of the norm,but its a step in the right direction.
Im currently helping a local fish shop in New Ferry on the Wirral, understand how exciting and popular this hobby is becoming.

I look forward to seeing you in the next few days.


The-Green-Machine said:
Greetings to all at UKAPS,

Its great to see such a group of enthusiasts with a clear vision of the importance and beauty of aquatic plants.

In answer to a couple of questions that have appeared on this thread we have been open for just 6 months and are thoroughly enjoying the buzz we have created in the industry, we are purists, taking aquatics in its most natural and logical direction which is of course to create and maintain beautiful planted aquaria for the enjoyment of the life within as well as the viewer.

Currently we are still establishing our web presence, the web address you list is not fully functional just yet, but you can get general information about us from http://www.the-greenmachine.com

Eventually we will provide shipping on all our products including our full catalogue of live Tropica aquarium plants, and can take orders for any of their plants that we might happen to not have in stock at that time.

Currently if you need plants sent to you we have a limited selection on an eBay store accessible here http://stores.ebay.co.uk/expert-aquatics

Expert Aquatics exists to take some of the load off The Green Machine because they are busy, they are supplied by The Green Machine who are in turn supplied by Tropica. If this site doesn't have the Tropica plant that you want then email expertaquatics@googlemail.com with a request and it can be arranged to add it to the store listings in a short time with a maximum 7 day turnaround (9 including postage).

It is worth noting that The Green Machine store is located right next to the Erddig country house and estate which is supported by The National Trust and is a great family day out. When the house is closed there are still some beautiful walks to be had on the estate. For details see http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w- ... erddig.htm

We hope to see and hear from you in the future,
I had been wondering about expert aquatics on ebay, took the plunge and ordered last night, then saw this thread, at least I know they are going to be good now 😀 me and my OH were talking about driving over to wrexham this week but well put that on hold now, will get over as soon as we can, again even from derbyshire its a bit of a trek
, looks like an inspiring place, excellent work, from the pics the shop looks fantastic

johnny70 said:
, looks like an inspiring place, excellent work, from the pics the shop looks fantastic


Cheers, Johnny. 8)

Well I'm happy to report that I got some plants came from expert aquatics from ebay, basically sent with next day delivery, signed for, well packed, plants were in excellent condition, they look like tropica but there were no tropica tabs. came with a note(handwritten) on how to plant each plant, excellent worth the money, not cheap by any standards, but the quailty of the plants is second to none.

All I need now is for them to start selling some of those wood roots I can see in the pictures :lol: I have tried, without sucess to find some.

johnny70 said:
All I need now is for them to start selling some of those wood roots I can see in the pictures :lol: I have tried, without sucess to find some.


Phone them, there very helpful sure they would sort something 😀

As for the trip I might well come seeing as its local, I might learn something too
Evening all!

Well Ive just got back from my short ( near 3 hour ) visit to Green Machine!!

What can i say about this place, AWESOME,INSPIRATIONAL,PROFESSIONAL,!
If your looking for a place thats doing it RIGHT, then this is the place. Don't be deceived by its location. As soon as you step through the doors, your in aw of the pace. The first thing that strikes you is the amazing Iwagumi, then the other to monster tanks! They are awesome. Made from acrylic standing on marble clad plinths.
Then you have a quick scan around, and every were you look there is red moor wood of all sizes.
To the right of the door is 3 pallet boxes the first has some of the most awesome fossilized wood, its not that cheap but its brilliant, then some huge rooty narly oak root bog wood, next to the is a really nice type of rock that is quite locally quarried.

Plants> Oh my god lol
He has ( from what i could see ) pretty much every plant that Tropica have on the books, and hes getting more very very soon. They are in unbelievable quality, they don't just maintain them ( which takes them 3 hours a week , all picked up checked and pruned if necessary) the grow them as well, so you are basically getting double your moneys worth because they are twice as big buy the time you come to buy them. They are all kept in hydroponics.
They will also fill any Co2 bottle you wish.

Their fish are in superb conditions and very well presented.

The whole shop has this very relaxed atmosphere, with chilled out music on in the background. Very neat and tide and very well presented stock and show tanks.

The costumer service is second to non. I had a brew made, which they offer to every one, of which they know every customers name. I even got offered a beer 😀
The are looking to revamp the website and I think start selling more products through the web based shop too, so keep them peeled folks!!! :shock:

The pair of them ( Mark and Jim ) are great guys, really chatty, they know their stuff and are supper passionate about their business and their hobby.
They are so happy to be mentioned on Ukaps, and are very Kean to support us in anyway possible.

So all in all, an AWESOME place to visit, I cant say enough good about the place and Mark and Jim.
I hope that they shake the Aquarium shop industry up!

Well done fellas, see you very soon.

You should be very proud!

Graeme Edwards said:
Evening all!
Well Ive just got back from my short ( near 3 hour ) visit to Green Machine!!

I thought you would like it Graeme. No need for us to feel jealous of all these guys with access to Maidenhead Aquatics anymore. 😉

Hopefully gonna visit them this weekend or next. Have they got any UKAPS flyers up in the shop, Graeme or Dave ?(every little helps). Do you know if they sell glassware, lily pipes etc.? Really looking forward to " The GreenMachine Experience "! 😀
Dan Crawford said:
I doubt they've got any flyers.....

Not only do they have a flyer on the wall, it is laminted.....LAMINATED I tells ya!

I hand flyers out to all the LFS around here, but nobody seems to put them up.
Jim and Mark said they were more than happy to have some posters up on the wall, so Dans on it as we speak.
I did notice the Ukaps flyer up! 😀

Martain, i did notice a small glass diffuser they had. But no glass wear, lets hope its something they will concider selling. They do say, if they dont have it in, they can get it, so you could allways ask, they are more than happy to help!

They are talking about stocking seemless opti-white open top tanks,which is what Dave is going to descuss with them and Ray fro Aquariums Ltd on Friday.It would make great sence for them to try and go for the ADA look. But you can undersatnd,they are concerned with over pricing and customer demand. Remeber they have only been open 6 moths, so there is still plenty of time. They are greate now so think what they will be like in another 6 months.
I visited The Green Machine yesterday. Wow very, very cool setup. Not much more I can add that Dave or Graeme haven't already said. Jim and Mark are so friendly and enthusiastic, with loads of expert advice and willingness to share their quite considerable knowledge. Their customer service is second to none, I have never visited any shop, aquatic or otherwise,where I have felt so welcome. The whole environment/ experience was more like being round at your mates house, ( albeit a very rich aquascaping obsessed mate), with the emphasis on 'relax and browse', the cups of tea were much appreciated! The tanks are wonderful, the plant selection even better and the plant quality outstanding. I visited with my wife Clare and my dad, and we all agreed that The Green Machine will be very hard to beat, who needs Maidenhead Aquatics?, Wrexham's where it's at! ..... p.s. Cheers for the Tropica catalogue JIm.

Just a heads up for all the people who are getting quite excited about The Green Machine.
Ive just be down there today and had a chat with the guys.
They will be selling as from today the full range of Tropica fertilizers from the Nutrition+ to all the NPK capsules to the Tropica Substrate, along with the full Tropica range of plants they already have in stock. Theres some nice glass wear products coming soon including some nano glass wear too!
The website is getting a complete new look, and im lead to believe that its going to knock your socks off!!!
TGM will be selling everything they have in store on the website too. Including the full range of Tropica plants. Ive seen first hand the quality and size of the plants they stock and you wont be disappointed. If theres anything you want, they can get it for you, no messing.

Heres some details for you all.


The website http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/ ( new look site in about 2 weeks time ).
