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The green machine website

I am surprised no one has taken over the ADA UK distribution after they closed down! Wonder James still has a stronghold on that one!
There are plenty of candidates now that could take on that role!
I am surprised no one has taken over the ADA UK distribution after they closed down! Wonder James still has a stronghold on that one!
There are plenty of candidates now that could take on that role!

I was under the impression that ADA handle the distribution themselves out of their European office?
I am surprised no one has taken over the ADA UK distribution after they closed down! Wonder James still has a stronghold on that one!
There are plenty of candidates now that could take on that role!
Other people do sell ADA now don’t they? Or do you mean something else?

Loads of ADA products in other shops. Some of our sponsors
I was under the impression that ADA handle the distribution themselves out of their European office?
There are various EU distributors, maybe UK is now covered by one of them, you cannot buy directly from ADA unless you are a distributor.
But since the UK now left the EU would make more sense to have a UK Distributor. TGM were the UK distributor, any shop in the UK had to go to them to order ADA products in the past, hence TGM became the primary source of ADA products for a long time.
I'm pretty sure the distribution is handled by the german office for all of europe, that's the case here in DK.
I'm guessing a monopoly doesn't necessarily come from being the sole distributor. The monopoly could come from the distributor inflating the price of a product to the point it's no longer viable for retailers to buy and sell, since there is little to no profit in doing so.

This way the distributor becomes the retailer as well, retaining the entire market share, shortening the supply chain, and gaining max profit. It perhaps has its benefits as a business model for a sole distributor in a niche market offering specialist goods. But it's also potentially short sighted in that market reach and penetration can be severely limited and in turn so can growth.

I'm also guessing this can leave the business vulnerable to competition. Which in this case may well have happened especially with other manufacturers of quality aquascaping equipment successfully breaking in to an expanding market. But who really knows?