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The Green Machine- a bit disappointed.

It should be hard to screw up any tank when you have a shop full of top quality gear to choose from.........

Instructions to replicate no.2:

1) Go into cupboard and fetch box of leftover hardscape rubbish
2) Empty box into tank
Hopefully no claims of 'boundaries being pushed' 'thinking outside the box' etc etc just decent free vids......😕
Don't really know if James is worried about this thread but the possible response should be number 1! It's a GREAT aquascape and gives a feeling of true healthy nature.
We should comment on the bad but also on the very good stuff he makes for aquascaping!
Really love it.

Number 2 ... can be a surprise when plants grow... let's wait.
My original post was never intended to be a personal criticism of anyone in particular. Was just saying that I experienced awful customer service in the shop, and I was very underwhelmed by the tanks I saw there. Not meaning to have a dig at the man himself!
I don't think it's been taken that way Sasha 😎

When you position yourself as the face of a company criticism tends to fall on you. The videos are very much 'Findlay' centric, but that's fine as he's a talented aquascaper. The problem occurs when reality falls short of the spin/hype. And that problem falls fairly and squarely at the feet of those creating the spin/hype.
I made the trip from Barnsley to TGM and my personal experience of TGM was that they are very expensive, compared to other retailers. However, that being said, as soon as I walked in the shop one of the sales support guys started chatting with me and was very friendly and offer me a cup of coffee and genuinely had time for me. I would agree that TGM do seem to be focusing a lot more on their internet sales as their show room was a little sparse and could do with sprucing up a little. The planted tanks which they had including the ADA ones where really eye catching but again, if you were making the trip to have a good look at what they had I feel you would be disappointed.

I certainly won't be making the visit again.