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'The Full Monty' Has Left The Building last photos

Well the sad thing is, just as I was getting somewhere with my son's camera the battery went flat and the charger was not in the bag with the camera:banghead:...so I started messing about with the settings on the Sony Cybershot instead. Its amazing what you can find out when you put your mind to it.

These pictures may not be as good a quality as I will get from the Nikon but I hope you think they are better than what I have posted so far...











Looking absolutely awesome mate, very well executed!
Can't wait to see that hillock when it fills out! Going to be something else!!
Starting to look great.....can't wait to see how it turns out after a few months.

Me too...got my eye on a shoal of about 20 Rummy Nosed Tetras and about 30 Cardinal Tetras...

Looking absolutely awesome mate, very well executed!
Can't wait to see that hillock when it fills out! Going to be something else!!

I hope so, although i don't know about well executed, it was more of trial and error and go with the flow in the end...

Hi RedSteveo, Looking good 🙄 When the plants grow and fill in the space.This is going to be stunning:thumbup: Well it is now.🙂Cannot wait to see the scape in a couple of months 🙂

I only planted it up on Friday and every day I see some development... a few roots extending here, a new leaf sprouting there...

I have only got a six hour photo period at the moment...the front light comes on at 1pm, this has got two 54 watt tubes in it, one is an Eheim bright white daylight, and the other is a nice blue/pink Giesemann Aqua-flora which shows of the red colours in the plants. This light stays on for a total of four hours.

At 2pm the rear light comes on which has the same tubes as the front one, but they are arranged so that the two Eheim tubes are next to each other. So the two white lights simulate the peak light period in the day. Both front and rear lights stay on together for an additional two hours before the front one switches off, leaving the rear light on for the last two hours of the six hour period.

On Sunday I added the cleaning crew...12 Japonica Amano shrimps and 5 Ottocinclus, so far they are doing a grand job...

More later,

Cheers for all your comments everyone,

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Finally got my hands on the battery charger today for my son's camera, Nikon D3200, the battery is charging right now so should be ready for tomorrow and hopefully some good pictures.

Lights are still on a six hour photo period with pressurised C02 going in at about 70 bubbles per minute, working on a timer. Both drop checkers are a nice Lime Green colour.🙂

Dry Ferts going in as follows:

1 x Teaspoon of KN03 3 x per week
Half a teaspoon of KH2P04 3 x per week
Half a teaspoon of CSM +B 2 x per week
Epsom salts as required

Keeping my fingers crossed, but so far no algae, but it is still early days...let's hope I haven't spoken too soon...:nailbiting:
Well...so far so good! Everything is still going according to plan...I am finally getting the hang of my son's camera thanks to some really helpful photo medics in the photography section😉

The plants are developing slowly, the Monte Carlos is starting to spread, the reds and greens are looking good...

I have taken some photographs and I am just sorting out the good from the bad and hopefully, resizing them if I can without blurring the images. Just waiting for them to finish uploading to Photobucket and I'll post them up later..


Well here are some photographs one week on post planting...hopefully they are not too bad.
I tried capturing some photos with the Amano shrimp in them also...

So far I have not added any any fish or livestock other than the five Ottocinclus, plus the twelve Amano shrimp...

Still thinking about the shoaling fish that would be best suited for this tank and layout...originally thinking of about twenty Rummy Nosed Tetras, and either twenty Cardinals or some Blue Cardinals. Probably add a couple of Panda Corys later when the plants are fully rooted.

Meanwhile hours later...:meh::bored: still waiting for photos to upload...:brb:
After almost losing the will to live waiting for the photos to upload to Photobucket I could not face the hassle of trying to change the size of them so I am posting them for now as they are...

In no particular order...



There is a shrimp there somewhere...


A full view of the hillock to the left of the tank...any suggestions on shoaling fish welcome...




The gap between the hillock and the rock feature to the right hand side...




The Rotala Macranda from 1 to Grow




I will leave it for a week now until there is more growth, then I'll post more pictures...
Why your pictures so small?

Tried re-sizing them on Photobucket and they become blurred or fuzzy for some reason so I didn't bother especially after it took so much time to upload them...

Nice work!

I hope I can achieve something as good.

You will I'm sure, once you get the bug it becomes an obsession to create something unique...
Looks fine to me!


Hey Vinkenkoog1977 please tell me how you did that. The picture looks much better that size, it gives you a real perspective of what it actually looks like. I will follow your advice on how to do it. Alternatively I don't mind if you do whatever you did with the rest of the pictures, but I would like to know how you did it anyway for the future...

Many thanks,


I think rummy noses are the best schoolers in my book, cardinals school good too, but they need to be scared of something to stay schooled

Edvet I am inclined to agree with you on both counts...Rummy Nose Tetras do shoal well, I have seen Red Tailed Sharks with Cardinals and that makes them shoal well too...


Hey Steve,

1. Upload pic to Photobucket
2. Go to page with uploaded pic
3. Click on the magnifying glass to enlarge the pic
4. Right click on image, and select "Save image location" (or words to that effect; my browsers are in Dutch LOL)
5. Click the image button on the UKAPS-forum page,right click and paste (should look something like this: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk57/REDSTEVEO/005_zpsba8dc4d4.jpg~original)
6. That's it!