It probably doesn't make you feel any better today but it'll be worth it in the end mate. That's the good thing about the journals as you show the ups and the downs. Everyone can see what you go through to get to the finished article.
Well today is another day...and guess what another EPIC FAIL

Can someone remind me why we do this it to avoid stress, chill out and relax...err not so far it isn't...
Drained the tank okay...good start...connected everything up far so good...
Some of the tank water stored...
Tank drained...
Big container with more water to be filtered while the job gets done...
Layout all my rock and prepared the glue gun...steady now...let's not get carried away...
Ready steady go...
Got cracking, going great guns, things are looking good so far...what could go wrong??
Two hours later job done...or so I thought...
Started filling the tank and no sooner had the water reached the level where I'd glued the rock wall to the glass I heard a plunk followed by another and another...the glue which had fixed the rock to the wall did a great job, it seemed to be fixed solid...until it got wet...
Bits of glue off the rock and the back wall...Should have guessed..if it ain't natural, it doesn't go in...end of...
Oh b£$%^&*x!!
So with regret I decided to be on the safe side and dismantle the rest...

Rather that than a piece to fall down and hit the glass
So another day wasted...and no rock wall, at least not what I'd planned...
I did manage to lodge firmly in place some of the rock and then fixed the Hornwood in and around it so it does look a bit different...
Jim at TGM told me my plants were in yesterday but now I have messed about with it and changed so much water I am going to have to wait another week at least for the parameters to settle down again..
Then some good news...or so I thought...the two new Giesemann Powerchrome bulbs I ordered yesterday from Charterhouse Aquatics arrived just after lunchtime...hooray...until I unpacked them...boohoo

they were both smashed to bits inside the packaging.
I have to say whoever wrapped them at Charterhouse Aquatics did a damn fine job, they were superbly packaged, double wrapped on the inside and out, so whichever £$%^&*g neanderthal from the courier company carried them must have driven over them or something to smash them...
So what next...well I have decided I am not going to touch anything for a week at least, and I am certainly not going to make anymore attempts at building a rock wall...
In case anyone is interested I have a few things going spare...for example...
A ton of rock in different shapes and sizes...
One Glue gun used only once...
About 50 spare glue sticks...
A couple of gallons of 'Fixol' used for sticking backing on aquariums...
A few hundred metres of pipework in various lengths...
Updates to follow...
Its beer and curry time....