Well all in all its a been a bit of a weekend...sorry there has been no update or pics...I had the small matter of dealing with a !"£$%^g massive wasps nest the size of a very large beach ball up in the rafters in the garage. Got attacked on Friday night when I went in to the garage and switched the light on to look for something in a cupboard as you do
😳 First only one or two and I thought hmm that's unusual, two minute later I was sprinting 200 yards up the road to get away from them
So being a weekend I couldn't get hold of anyone to come and sort it out so I sort of did it myself-ish...so last night I zapped them with something from a local store which led to another sprint to the end of our road and back! This morning when I eventually plucked up the courage to open the garage door it was like something out of a horror movie. Needless to say it took me six hours to empty the garage and clean up the mess, zillions of dead wasps everywhere it was no fun I can tell you.
So showered and changed before going off to visit my grandson for a few hours..he's absolutely gorgeous
Here are the pictures that I couldn't upload earlier...
Some of the Amazonia substrates...
The Penac (P) and Penac (W)
Crushing up lots of bits of Lava Rock to help bolster up my hillock, I added layers of this and added Aquasoil mixed with the Powersand Special and filled in with Amazonia Powder as I went along, slotting in substrate supports where necessary...
Adding Penac (P) as I went...
This was the first thing in the tank...
Getting the base layer of Powersand in and working out how big an area I want for the planted area and where the Sarawak and La Plata sand is going to go...
This is a mix of Sarawak and La Plata sand...I am not convinced about the sandy area but my wife said she would like to see some area with sand in so I aim to try and please...but I have decided I like the La Plata sand better because it is brighter, not as red as the Sarawak...
Sand in place and a dusting of Penac (P) over the Powersand before adding the Amazonia Aquasoil...
This picture is deceptive because of the angle it was taken from...it looks like there is hardly any planting area and more sand but it isn't...
This is some of the rock and wood I planned to work with...but as already mentioned all the wood was too big and all of it went back to TGM for a full refund thanks to Jim...
Again another poor photograph from above this time...I only have a Canon Cybershot and photography is not my forte...you can see the powder is still dry...school boy error as mentioned earlier...
The tank is filled and looking rather dark...
Twenty four hours later mess all cleaned up...no one would know I'd been there...
Almost done...
Nice shiny Black smoked glass lids on...nice...
Got back tonight and switched one of the lights on to see what the water was like because it was pretty milky this morning, big bacteria bloom...its a bit clearer tonight...

The wood used here is Hornwood again but I used much smaller pieces this time and these positions are not the final positions...there will be some adjustments when the plants go in and I fix the Fissidens into place...
Thought I'd do a quick Ammonia check...through the roof as expected...completely off the scale in fact...5.0mg/l is a sort of dark green colour on the scale, this sample has gone a marine aqua blue
😱 but I was expecting this...almost would have been disappointed if it didn't happen...
So that's why the big water changes start over the next week or so..no plants or live stock going in until everything stabilises...
To sum up at this stage I'm sort of happy with it ish but somehow dissapointed that it didn't turn out how I had imagined it, I finished up working with what I had and sort of went with the flow..
'The Full Monty' it isn't...at least not yet...maybe once the plants are in...I might be looking for a name change...
More to come in the next few days...
More soup anyone...?