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The fruit and vegetable shortage


7 Apr 2008
nr Bath
Hi all,
I'm not claiming that <"I'm Nostradamus">, but in light of the energy crisis (<"Our hobby faces an existential threat">) and <"Brexit bonus">, I just wanted to say that <"I am still doing"> the <"tarot card readings">.

From 2013 (and a thread that @foxfish added greatly to)
Hey Darrel, I live in Guernsey, the once tomato growing centre of the World! I managed a very big tomato vinery, with an added kio farm & tourist attraction, for many years! I must add this was in an era when organic growing was unheard of & we all worked in a haze of C02 & pesticides!!
.......... Sad the way things go, you can't compete with cheap gas in the Netherlands and Spanish plastic unless the Government are willing to do their bit.

cheers Darrel
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We don’t seem to have a societal framework geared for integrated sustainable domestic food production, a Brexit ‘bonus’ would be we could achieve this as increasingly unshackled from EU wide CAP, CFP etc etc, but there is no apparent will or vision among policy makers
Hi all,I think BREXIT was ridiculous, but I hated the CAP / CFP (Common Agricultural / Fisheries Policy) and I think we are well out of them.

Cheers Darrel
With you all the way there. I was in Norway a few years ago, their plaice were the size of our halibut and their halibut the size of our fishing boats 😂 (exaggerating for effect but not by much!)…we could have that too…
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Maybe the answer is in the Netherlands, they grow any flower plant ,can get them to grow and flower anytime out of season and get them anywhere in the world within 24hours. Let's give them the contract for year round fruit and veg
Maybe the crazy eco conmies and saint greta are correct and for the greater good. We need end globalism and return to local and in season food.
Hi all,
and return to local and in season food
Fortunately our <"government is all over this">. Personally <"I'm a turnip fan">, but I understand that isn't a universal view.
It would also end the obesity crisis and save the nhs millions
I'm in no way <"fat shaming">, but it doesn't seemed to have worked for Ms Thérèse Coffey, (Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the United Kingdom), but she may, possibly, just be suggesting turnips for the rest of us, but <"not our governing elite">.

I can also see it as part of the <"levelling up"> (or down) agenda, no more Cheese and Tomatoes baguettes for us <"Southern Softies">, we too will be chewing on a raw Turnip , if we are lucky, just <"like every-one else">.

cheers Darrel
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Ha! Blackadder!

Since I do not know anything about the current shortage of fruits and vegetables in the UK - which may or may not have something to do with lacking harvests in the Mediterranean and Northern Africa - perhaps due to climate change, I wanted to post a clip featuring one of my favorite Blackadder characters Lord Flashheart played by Rick Mayall, but couldn't find anything that wouldn't be considered inappropriate nowadays. Fortunately I have the DVD collection.

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Hi all,
Ha! Blackadder! ...., I wanted to post a clip featuring one of my favorite Blackadder characters Lord Flashheart played by Rick Mayall, but couldn't find anything that wouldn't be considered inappropriate nowadays.
"Flash by name, flash by nature". Sadly missed.

One of my mates girlfriend was always referred to as"Bob", and that particular episode is one of my favourites.

I don't know if it is available anywhere, but "The New Statesman" is fantastic. When it first appeared it was a comedy, but now you could watch it as a documentary.

Cheers Darrel
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Maybe the answer is in the Netherlands, they grow any flower plant ,can get them to grow and flower anytime out of season and get them anywhere in the world within 24hours. Let's give them the contract for year round fruit and veg
At this time of year I only buy Dutch Tomatoes. The orangey red round things from Spain are tasteless in my view, much like their strawberries and watercress.
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