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The death of Aquascaping World

well, I suppose I should respond to this thread...

Shane, while I appreciate the sentiment...I'm not sure this is the best approach. As has already been mentioned, this is a niche hobby and dividing time between multiple forums is a challenge for even the most dedicated. Mainly why I don't spend as much time on UKAPS as I would like. I have to say UKAPS has managed to cultivate a great sense of community many other large forums failed to do and also maintained a level of quality that is also lacking in some other large forums. I know it has taken a great deal of effort and my hat is off to you gents who have put the time in.

I like the idea of some collaboration between places, after all I think the community goals often align, so why not aim collectively at that target? @LondonDragon PM me and maybe we can discuss further. I once, years ago, spoke with seriouslyfish.com admins about some collaboration. I felt an Aquascaping site and a fish site could benefit each other without rehashing the same material. Perhaps, even aquascaping sites can do the same. I have a few favorite places for the hobby online, ASW and UKAPS are a couple of them.

I can say ASW is NOT dead and welcomes any new members. Discussions are on going on how to improve the site for users. Keep an eye out, I think promising things are to come. This is a bit of an awkward conversation to have on another forum and I'm a bit at a loss for what else to say.
Many people say what's in the name.. But in this case it likely is.. Naming a forum aquascaping world most likely for the majority atracks people into aquascaping.. Obviously according the visiting numbers it still isn't a large enough community to keep multiple communities about the same subject equaly as succesfull. Communities with a much more accessible name giving lik "Aquatic Plant Society" and or "Planted Tank" etc. goes easier on the search engine and invites people from all sides of the hobby.. Even if you're not into aqauscaping, you still will have plants in a tank.

With all respect, it's a nice name.. 😉 But do you catch my drift?.. I'm sorry to hear it's going down a bit, maybe holding on and keep going strong dispite the hard times, have patience.. If aquascaping in particular as a hobby becommes more popular you will too.

For example i'm from the Netherlands and i can tell you the Aquascaping community in my country is still very small.. Most people i personaly know who have an aqaurium don't even know the word they just hava an aquarium..
haha is that the site where all the rubbish aquascapers go?

Depends what your definition of an aquascape is? I mean with an attitude like that, it's evident that yours is seriously flawed.

Personally I can find a murky dirt bottom tank with moldy branches and no plants a truly beautiful thing.