well, I suppose I should respond to this thread...
Shane, while I appreciate the sentiment...I'm not sure this is the best approach. As has already been mentioned, this is a niche hobby and dividing time between multiple forums is a challenge for even the most dedicated. Mainly why I don't spend as much time on UKAPS as I would like. I have to say UKAPS has managed to cultivate a great sense of community many other large forums failed to do and also maintained a level of quality that is also lacking in some other large forums. I know it has taken a great deal of effort and my hat is off to you gents who have put the time in.
I like the idea of some collaboration between places, after all I think the community goals often align, so why not aim collectively at that target?
@LondonDragon PM me and maybe we can discuss further. I once, years ago, spoke with seriouslyfish.com admins about some collaboration. I felt an Aquascaping site and a fish site could benefit each other without rehashing the same material. Perhaps, even aquascaping sites can do the same. I have a few favorite places for the hobby online, ASW and UKAPS are a couple of them.
I can say ASW is NOT dead and welcomes any new members. Discussions are on going on how to improve the site for users. Keep an eye out, I think promising things are to come. This is a bit of an awkward conversation to have on another forum and I'm a bit at a loss for what else to say.