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The Crypt's Place.

It's official - you rock! My c. wendtii looks pretty similar to yours so I'm incredibly impressed that somebody with a tank of the calibre of yours is displayed with pride.

The tank looks great - honestly. I think crypts are gorgeous plants...one minute you stick them in and you seem to wait for ages for them to grow, then all of a sudden you realise that they're everywhere!
Time for a small update...
Nothing special happened, only a trim on the moss.

Here's the pics:


Joe Faria
Just got a nutrient rich substrate... peat, a mix of Tetra Complete and Red Sea Flora Base substrates.

Joe Faria
Hey Joe, loving the tank. I forget how small it is sometimes 🙂

Out of interest, what's the small box to the right in that last photo you posted? Looks like something growing emersed? Anything fun?
SteveUK said:
Hey Joe, loving the tank. I forget how small it is sometimes 🙂

Out of interest, what's the small box to the right in that last photo you posted? Looks like something growing emersed? Anything fun?

Sorry for the late reply... that box it´s a 5L acrilic/plastic tank, that I'm using to grow crypts emersed.

Now the bad news.
this tank no longer exists, because I had a broken reef nano tank, and it´s all livestock was transfered to it.
some pic's of it's new inhabitants

Hopefully very soon, I will start a new project with plants.

Btw, Merry Christmas to all.


Joe Faria