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The big return - help needed

Have you just filled the tank with water or set it up? Two of my friends have used manado and found it quite light when planting. If you search on this forum you'll find posts about it. It might be something to consider if you've not opened the bags yet.


Its setup.

I wish I saw this before, that Manado is rubbish - fish farts near it and it will be like a sandstorm. soon as there is any agitation its moving, sooooo light. I hope it does settle down over time, plants are indeed a nightmare to keep in.

I wish I saw this before, that Manado is rubbish - fish farts near it and it will be like a sandstorm. soon as there is any agitation its moving, sooooo light. I hope it does settle down over time, plants are indeed a nightmare to keep in.
It does settle down, and plants root in it really well. My cories love it as it is so soft. Do be careful using a magnet cleaner as some of it seems to be magnetic too.
plants are indeed a nightmare to keep in.
I would strongly suggest separating your foreground plants into smaller portions, for better coverage, and (usually) quicker spread
(small portions placed 1-2cm apart will usually fill in fairly quickly, these may also stay down better)

I would also add many more plants - you’ve set up a system designed to grow plants, but have added few plants - someone (most commonly known as Algae) will accept the open invitation 😉

Obviously pot versions of plants will be easier to sink deep enough into the Manado to prevent up-floating