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The aquascaping hobby vs loving nature

I worked at two (dutch) zoos. Believe me they all do their best. But they are in constant need for money, feed and personel costs are high compared to their income. Most of the staff is incredibly dedicated, donating unpaid hours if the situation calls for it, and on meager salaries. They love their animals.
I worked at two (dutch) zoos. Believe me they all do their best. But they are in constant need for money, feed and personel costs are high compared to their income. Most of the staff is incredibly dedicated, donating unpaid hours if the situation calls for it, and on meager salaries. They love their animals.

I absolutely do not doubt that.. I would if it was my job.. 🙂 It's the same for any kind of captive animal, once it is there you need to care for it with all the love and care you can give. For a lot the question remains, should it even be there in th efirst place?..

As in the documentary is stated even by zoo proprietor, they don't have Elephants because they are so much in need to be kept is zoo's from the species perspective. No, they atract public, they need public for the money. And the public wants something spectacular to choose to go to this zoo. Thus the Elephant is on the zoo's whichlist as a public atracting clown.. This goes for more animal sp. than the elephant only.. 🙂

Their loss, your gain principle?
I guess way back when zoos were first opened the primary aim was to entertain folk with strange and exotic animals from other continents.
Nowadays, they often claim the sole purpose is conservation...but there's very little point if measures aren't put in place to conserve the exhibits natural habitat as well.

But either way I've always found this film extremely poignant...

I used to donate a fare sum when I went to a animal sanctuary( fansy name for a zoo) it was in spain.. in an area called Guadalest . beautiful location.. the gentleman that looked after it was a diamond.. he saved circus animals mainly lions.. no pun intendid.. as public opinion was getting more pc.. he also save lots of different grazy type animals that zoo's in Europe no longer could make money off.. it closed because a English women stuck here arm in the fench and a hungry tiger decided to bite it off.. true story I'm sure you can read aout it.. the sun newspaper did a big article about it.. funny the lady was only upset because she could not knit anymore.
I used to donate a fare sum when I went to a animal sanctuary( fansy name for a zoo) it was in spain.. in an area called Guadalest . beautiful location.. the gentleman that looked after it was a diamond.. he saved circus animals mainly lions.. no pun intendid.. as public opinion was getting more pc.. he also save lots of different grazy type animals that zoo's in Europe no longer could make money off.. it closed because a English women stuck here arm in the fench and a hungry tiger decided to bite it off.. true story I'm sure you can read aout it.. the sun newspaper did a big article about it.. funny the lady was only upset because she could not knit anymore.
Quite a story indeed!

One of our zoo's had outdoor enclosure people could ride their car through, ample warnings to keep the windows closed in the lion area............................................
On Fin ( as far as i remember) decided he could take better pictures outside the car, and once someone was mauled through the open window. ( both in the seventies i think). The areas are closed for cars now😀
One of our zoo's had outdoor enclosure people could ride their car through, ample warnings to keep the windows closed in the lion area............................................
On Fin ( as far as i remember) decided he could take better pictures outside the car, and once someone was mauled through the open window. ( both in the seventies i think). The areas are closed for cars now😀

If i'm not mistaken a video of this happening roams the net.. I thought it is filmed in the 70's at Beeksebergen Safari park. SOme guy getting out of the car and attacked by the loins..
it used to happen allot in europe.. media did not find out.. now with camera phones its a different story..this subject is massive and can lead to many places.. I think we are all a little hypocritical at times and fool ourselves into thinking we are being green. but I think a collective approach is the only way forward.. if we all stopped using and eating eggs or how about we stop eating cheese
I worked at two (dutch) zoos. Believe me they all do their best. But they are in constant need for money, feed and personel costs are high compared to their income. Most of the staff is incredibly dedicated, donating unpaid hours if the situation calls for it, and on meager salaries. They love their animals.
I agree and its interesting how well many regulated zoos have staff who go out of their way to discuss why a certain animal is there and how some animals that although well cared for dont but and its a question?because without them a zoo without them the funds they require would reduce, for example funding for Panda conservation would not be there, of course zoos have changed there aims and intentions now,bad apples shouldnt detract from good work
joking aside nobody said the people that work there aren't dedicated for most of them it's a career.. in general most peps that look after animals in general are diamonds in the rough.. shelters of all kinds are brimming because us humans.. keeping animals in a cage for human entertainment.. we not only keep them in poor condition compared to there natural habitat but we manipulate genes.. feed them massive amounts of drugs.. what about sealife centers.. imagine the power consumption.. on another note my water for my tiny slice of nature indoors is from a decelanation plant... what kind misconception are they selling us about using sea water.. the plant is 1 mile away and sucks dirty sea water up.. it may be cost effective in 30 years but at what cost to sealife.. go to the coast and pick up 10 discarded fag filters.. money and the greedy...:crazy: