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The Aquarium Lincoln Nano tank

Ian Holdich

18 Feb 2010
lincoln uk
I have set up a little nano for my LFS, after doing thier main tank last year, they got some nice little Superfish nanos in. Its a simple low tech scape with Riccia and Lilaeopsis. These little tanks are great, they come with a nice little integrated LED, which dims and can be used as a marine nano as well.

anyways...picture overload!

Firstly, doing my bit for the UKAPS massive!

IMG_3145 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

The tank
IMG_3134 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

the light
IMG_3135 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

Tropica plant substrate
IMG_3138 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

Sand and rocks going in
IMG_3139 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

Riccia starting to be added
IMG_3141 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

lilaeopsis in
IMG_3152 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

ready to be filled
IMG_3143 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

IMG_3156 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

filled and done.
IMG_3160 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

thanks for reading!
Thanks for the compliment whitey, was quite pleased with the outcome. It should look ok when grown in.
Very nice Ian, blimey you are getting famous! I reckon this time next year you will have had a couple of 'World Books' out :lol:

No, seriously it looks really nice, nice clean layout and ideal for a store to show off what can be archived :thumbup: I quite like those little tanks and the lighting looks really nice too - well done mate :thumbup:
Very nice and simple, seems like didn't take you long at all that's experience for ya lol

Looks great
@ Gary, thanks mate, yes, it needs to be easy. That's one of the problems with the other tank I set up for then. I put a fair few stems in the back, and they became a pita to maintain.

@ Deano, cheers for the comment. It took a couple of hours in all, I had planned it before hand. The time was spent tying riccia to rocks!

@ chris, thanks, and yes the I've not used this susbstrate personally, but I've seen tanks that have and it appears to do the job.

@ Iain, thank you, yes the shop does all the tropica range, C02 kits, ferts, substrates etc etc. they were in pfk last month and Nathan hill commented on the tropica stuff. They stock the full range of tropica plants as well. Also, it will be dosed with a small amount of carbo daily, as I've always found riccia to love the stuff!

@ Tim, cheers, the other problem was the banking of the substrate, I couldn't bank it that high, due to the grating at the bottom of the filter box. They are nice little tanks though, well made.

@ Andy, thank you, hopefully get some shrimp in there soon.
Nice one mate. Simple and really fresh and clean looking. Going to grow in nicely
@ Mark, thank you, he keeps a load of this stone and also dragon stone in stock. i did have a good selection to choose from.

@Paulo, cheers, the t shirt is nice ain't it. I agree, it doesn't take much to go into an lfs and ask the owners if you could do it. It does help taking pics of scapes in though, they may like to see previous scapes. Come on peeps!

@Nayr88, thank you, i'll get some updated pics in a few weeks.
Looking brilliant mate, I actually have that same tank in my collection but I can never get anything to grow in there. I assumed it was the lights but now I guess I'm wrong
How's this getting on? It looked like it was growing in nicely and then.... the pictures stopped!;)

It's still going albeit the riccia isn't looking as good as it could, but I don't have anything to do with maintainence. The lighting appear to be quite strong in these nanos as well. The rocks have been greening up a little. It's housing a group of high grade crs at the moment. I haven't posted any pics as it looks about the same. It was almost a ready made scape. That's the beauty of riccia.