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Thank You Secret UKaps Santa

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to my secret santa, i have a good idea as to their identity 😉
SteveUK said:
Just wanted to echo the thanks to Thomas for organising it 🙂 Very well done mate!
ou all

Thanks again guys, I hope you all enjoyed taking part, seemed to have very few problems!
Thank you Thomas, I just sorted all 789 emails and found your gift voucher in the trash, thank you so much.
Dan Crawford said:
I have a good idea as to their identity 😉
There seem to be a lot of people saying this... maybe I need to scour the journals and work out whose tank has the required plant set to generate the cuttings Santa sent me as I don't have a clue who mine was! :lol:
Garuf said:
Thank you Thomas, I just sorted all 789 emails and found your gift voucher in the trash, thank you so much.

No problem 😉

Hopefully after seeing what a success it's been, we'll have a few more people in next year!