So it's been exactly 1 month since tank was reset. I was expecting to see more algae but since it wasn't a full reset but rather a deep substrate cleanup, there was nothing much in the water column to trigger major algae blooms. I thought that perhaps the urea I has added in the bottom would make something happen, nothing much that I could detect. All plants have adapted nicely. L. meta went a few days with some meah attitude then bounced back. BBA increased slightly but now under control though. I'm not surprised as the wood is now more exposed to flow and light and it's been underwater for now nearly 3 years to it is decomposition at a faster rate. At some point I will probably remove the wood and replace it with new pieces. I also had 2 silver flying fox which were removed 2 days ago. Those tend to agitate the substrate thus contributing to further organics flying around.
Current fert regime is and has been the same since early July of this year. Only change has been the introduction of fish + shrimp as detailed below:

So I was saying, the major change has been the introduction of 30 amber tetras + 100 cherry shrimps 2 days ago. The removal of the 2 flying foxes was also because they had become lazy in eating algae and thought shrimps were more tasty. I could barely see any shrimps anymore. Additional to that they kept hiding nearly all the time (I guess eating the shrimps 🤨) and when that didn't fit them they chased each other. I didn't like the negativity. So I told them enough with the shenanigans, you are out. One of them in fact flew 4 meters off the tank a few days prior their removal, perhaps they knew what was coming to them and attempted to fly away as their name imply. They are very nervous and fast fish.
I am actually very pleased with the Amber tetras. They are peaceful and fun to watch. No sudden crazy movements. Even the rasboras have taken to school with them. I guess the similar color and pack instinct just kicked in. Even the neon tetras sometimes join the pack. Around 3 or 5 shrimps have died since introduction but I am not concerned. That's a very little % and I was expecting that to happen anyways considering the large amount. Some will be weaker than others and those don't make it.

On the plant side, nothing much has happened. I added some Limnophilla Aromatica on the back left. I have reduced the amount of L. meta. The amount of work they were giving me was just too much. I removed more than half. The market is now flooded with them anyway and no one wants to buy anymore. I am currently keeping around 12 stems because I really like them. The Tonina lotus blossom on the center is a test I am doing. They grow straight nicely up to a point then they start losing their straightness. I guess the elongation + flow doesn't help. I used to have them more up front but they grew too fast (in comparison to the back plants) and hid the bucephalandra. I do like that it doesn't grow that fast overall though. I haven't uprooted them in 3 weeks compared to the L. meta which has been trimmed weekly. And on the right side of the tank those as remanents from the previous setup. There are some random bucephalandra and some anubias sp. I need to sell them and add some stem plants instead. Just not sure what to add.
As for the the bucephalandra brownie ghost it's not taking the color I want. I am not entirely sure if it's due to my light or other conditions. The whole point of reseting the tank was to give this bucephalandra the chance to thrive. It's the most expensive plant in the tank and could make me a millionaire (in my dreams). In the meantime I am still investigation what the cause is and no one has been able to give a proper clear answer. Not even the all might Dennis Wong. I have the feeling though that the light + combination of higher nitrate over the years are the culprit.
As for the front part of the tank, well that looks rather ridiculous. I need to do something about that sloppy job. I am currently growing some Rotala mexicana goias on my smaller tank and I am wondering if I could use it to fill in the space. That combo, mini parva + erio ratnagiricum + erio quiquangulare makes no sense whatsoever. Looks like some Martian dropped them there without a clue what he was doing. If any of you have some plant ideas I'll be happy to hear them.
Here is the Rotala mexicana goias in the smaller tank. I know
@zozo was (perhaps still is) a fan of this plant.

That's all for now folks.