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TetraTec EX 2400 - review

Right, thats not good Tetratec are renowned for their great customer services, but then they should really have sorted the leaking issues out which numerous people including myself have had with the ex1200. So then the 2400 is released (last year?) and still there are issues. Boo.

2080 or fx5 🙂
Ive had an ex2400 running alongside my 1200 for just over a month now. When it first arrived the noise was unbearable, even with it wrapped inside a sleeping bag. Quick phone call to their customer services, which I might add is fantastic and a new head was sent. The noise drastically refused Witt this one, was still a wee bit noisy but has since quitened down to just a hum. Water is crystal clear too.
The only problem have now is the flow doesn't seem as powerful with the new head but I'm not complaining 😀