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Test Match


13 Nov 2013
Don't know what to make of the series but to me it looks like England lack batters who can keep their wicket for any length of time ,Root and of course Stokes the exception, and don't think we have strength in depth to play the Ben Stokes method against the best. I hope l get proved wrong but a bit of the Geoff Boycott school of batting is needed
Never really been a huge fan. But growing up a stones throw from Trent Bridge I’ve been to a few matches and I can see the attraction.

I’ve followed the national team on and off through the years and it seems success is a bit hit and miss. Correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s never any real consistency unlike the Aussies for instance. It’s a similar story for any England National squad. Except perhaps women’s football and rugby.

I’m not sure why that is, especially men’s rugby, we have the talent. Perhaps it has something to do with the coaching and the organisational culture of the governing bodies.
Think your right maybe Tim, the Aussies have a different mindset maybe,thinking the film Teen Wolf and the coach says "it's not about taking part that counts it's winning" 😂. Never think England hierarchy take to the bad boys who can really play. Tomorrow Phil Tufnell reckons England are favourites weather permitting . Ben Stokes England way of playing is entertaining though win or lose. Get yourself to the Bridge for the 100 great day out ,even for non cricket fans
it's not about taking part that counts it's winning" 😂.
I think that mindset is exactly it @PARAGUAY.
Get yourself to the Bridge for the 100 great day out ,even for non cricket fans
You're right it is a great day out, regardless.

This time last year we were living in the town I grew up in and I could literally step out of my front door and see the ground at the end of the road. We had an annex that we rented out as an airbnb. We had plenty of cricket fans stay, even David Gower booked in at one point, but at the eleventh hour made his apologies and stayed somewhere else.

Ultimately though, it wasn't for us and we moved back to Leicestershire exactly a year to the day that we left. So it's not quite as convenient any more. But I'm sure I'll find my way back to Trent Bridge at some point in the future.
The English mindset is to boo when we're doing bad, and remain silent when we do good. They are still in the series atm, but we need to accept we can't win them all .. although we did win the U21 euros yesterday. Did anybody do a post about that 🤔
The English mindset is to boo when we're doing bad, and remain silent when we do good. They are still in the series atm, but we need to accept we can't win them all .. although we did win the U21 euros yesterday. Did anybody do a post about that 🤔
I care about cricket, I don't care about overpaid Tom Daley wannabes.
Hi all,
Batters did good or poor bowling, Anderson and Broad didn't get it together, poor showing and they should have declared at lunch on the third day.
Possibly the end for Anderson, he has been one of the greats.

I don't think an earlier declaration would have helped, we would have had to batted again etc. and Bairstow was in and scoring rapidly.

Personally I would have had Foakes keep wicket, but that would have meant dropping a batman if Bairstow played as a bat.

Cheers Darrel
Would have been great to see Jimmy take a wicket yesterday , likely to be is last test but never know with Stokes,love the pundits analysis did we declare to early first test and did we play on to long this one. Stokes answer not looking back on anything , rollercoaster ride for sure under Ben Stokes
Possibly the end for Anderson, he has been one of the greats.
Agree, but we have to know when enough is enough, you cannot continue to play a person just because of his name, which is what we tend to do in England in any sport.
😀another nailbiter didn't think Aussies would lose on last day but what a finish for Broad,
All in all it's been a great series, finished magnificently by broad claiming the last wicket of his career to win the match, a perfect send off for one of Englands finest bowlers.