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Tank update!

Daily waterchanges will help for a few days after adding soil . The Fluval 307 and up range are not bad external filters .Maybe just bad luck with the internal fluval
So yesterday I did the rescape.

Stressful as hell as my heater blew up (my fault) luckily no fish in tank.

I could rant about the negatives but waking up to a fresh tank, all fish alive, realising I had way more shrimp than i thought is amazing!

I can see so much more. Not perfect, a few plants are looking rough so my need replacing nd I need to vacuum the sand a bit but I love it so much and finally feel I have a tank that suits me more.


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Is it me, or has that water clarity improved over the last few days? (Pictures are sometimes hard to tell).
At this point, I am going to let the tank be - no more scape changes, and just work in making what I have perfect. The only change I would make is to get an external filter.

I am really happy with how it looks overall - it reminds me of a river.

I of course do want to add some other species to mix things up - so questions:

1. If I increased flow at the bottom with something like this ( Amazon product ASIN B07DK3W76J ) would hillstream loaches be a possibility?

2. What other colourful species could work well in my tank - I was thinking some neon tetra, or perhaps a pair of dwarf gourami? Also maybe kilifish?

I LOVE the look of gobies - anything similar to them?
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The fish you want to add (Hillstream loaches, killifish, gourami, neon tetras) come from such wildly different habitats that I don’t think it’s advisable.

Sure, they may live for a while but they wouldn’t thrive.

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It feels to me like it has, feels much cleaner! The filter is working again, not sure if that’s why!
That will help loads, I also think I can see quite a lot of surface movement as well? (Again, I cannot see too well from the picture). But good oxygen exchange and a filter working will do wonders.
At this point, I am going to let the tank be - no more scape changes, and just work in making what I have perfect. The only change I would make is to get an external filter.
I think that is a good approach. Incremental changes to improve and get to a point where you have healthy fish, healthy plants, very clear water, good aeration and all the equipment working. Then you can motor forward with some larger changes!
I have two airstones, and the filter is working again which means there is more movement 🙂 Everything is far better I think !

Given my current inhabitants, which would work well in my tank/?
You've made a huge difference, I love the big pebbles!
Maybe give the outside of the glass a clean as well? 😉
As well as being compatible with your current fish, any new additions should also be happy living in your hard London tap water.
I'd spend some time researching what will go together best whilst enjoying your new tank as it settles in & the plants begin to grow! 🙂
I've been recommended perhaps Bolivian Rams? Would they work?

Would any of the following work

  • wrestling halfbeack
  • Asian rummynose Sawbwa resplendens
Thank you!

Plants seem good - some still look a little raggedy, but I have bought more TNC complete and have just bought an external filter so hopefully will improve!

They are rooting well and not floating which is the best bit!
I didn't;t realise how much everything has grown!

We've got a few new plants in there including a tiger lotus that has grown tons of leaves in the few weeks I've had it.

The plant on the sand is beginning to spread and all the fish are happy and healthy and so busy!


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