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Tank size in upstairs room

After further research I think that the only problem I'm likely to encounter is the feet of the cabinet punching through the floor boards because I have no way to find where the joists are. So I'll put down a base board of 18mm plywood directly onto the floor and fix adjustable feet to the bottom of the cabinet so I can level it again if there is any settlement over time.

Sent from my SM-A202F using Tapatalk
After further research I think that the only problem I'm likely to encounter is the feet of the cabinet punching through the floor boards because I have no way to find where the joists are. So I'll put down a base board of 18mm plywood directly onto the floor and fix adjustable feet to the bottom of the cabinet so I can level it again if there is any settlement over time.

Sent from my SM-A202F using Tapatalk
A very good solution to the problem.