Finally starting to do something with this tank. Did a test and added my 5050 SMD Led tiles to it to see how it looks (forgot pics, ill take some tonight)
Same as these, but the warm versions (will be bidding on the cool white versions)
20pcs 4LED 5050 SMD Cool White Module Waterproof Light Lamp DC 12V | eBay
Looks really good and adds the right ambience to the tank. Just now worried about their effect on the plants.
Also bought some Tropica 1,2, Grow plants this weekend and will see how they get on in the community AR620 with the ferts and carbo.
Decided on the fish for this tank as well.
1x Male Crowntail Betta
9-12 x Harlequin Rasbora (natural colour variant)
6-12 x Chilli or Galaxy Rasbora
3-6 x Ottos
Shrimp (they have to be in all my tanks
🙂 )
Java Fern
Crypts (various for different heights and colours)
Anubias SP. Nana (for some reason I cannot for the love of all things holy keep the sp. Bonsai/Petite alive...)
Various Mosses, especially Pheonix Moss due to its stunning colour
Twisted Vallis