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Tank /Cabinet Builders

The glass is what you see every time you look at your aquarium - I’d spend more time saving to increase budget rather than compromise on glass quality ... all those fabulous planted tanks online are filmed through top grade optiwhite (low iron) glass

When looking at nano tanks, the impact of higher quality “float glass” vs “optiwhite” is not as significant, a braceless, rimless 90cm aquarium in 10mm glass will have decidedly different aesthetics
Hi, that tank is very expensive, the same price but doesn’t come with the cabinet!

I prefer the aesthetic’s of a rimless tank, but not the evaporation and fish loss. So I want minimal bracing , mainly to sit covers on.

I was wondering if anybody had an open top braced tank.

I have an Aquascaper 900, but like you, don’t like the evaporation or fish deaths that come with an open top. I just bought some of the ADA clips, and got a local glazier to cut a piece of glass for a cover. Works well, and doesn’t look too intrusive. The photo isn’t great, as I just too it quickly and the tank lights aren’t on yet.


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