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Tank backgrounds

Without, and its not that great, cheap thing! quite thick also hence it bends easy! Also the roll is not wide enough for the A900! so that is that!
šŸ¤£ -Forgive me Paulo, the way you've written it made me laugh.
I'm sure people on here have used the adhesive version(s) on their backings and will post a few links fingers crossed.
Iā€™ve just covered the backs of my aquascaper 900 and 600 with this frosted film. It has a backing that needed peeing off, but it wasnā€™t adhesive, just super shiny. Seems well stuck with just a bit of water
I put this on the back of my 900. Simply spray the back of the tank with water, remove the fablon backing, place on the wet glass and squeegee from the centre to the edges removing all air bubbles and water. Trim the edges with a razor blade. No sign of pealing in 2 year even having over filled the tank on a couple of occasions.

Amazon product ASIN B00CZ6VQZ0
Thats exactly what I did on my last tanks sprayed fairy liquid and water (just a small amount of fairy in spray bottle and rest water) on to back of tank and peel the film off then use a credic card and start from middle and push to edges until all air bubbles gone

Best of luck mate

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