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Tall plant


6 Aug 2024
Is there an easy to keep rhizome plant that grows medium to tall, I already have 3 different Anubis , I need something I can attach to wood or lava rock that will give some height.

Hygrophila pinnatifida​

Grow like a weed for me (RO water, medium light and CO2), but I have read other people had trouble with it
Has lovely colouring and texture.
Great plant for this. This is how big the pinnatifidas in my tank get. They were about 90 cm, they can get much bigger but I didn't have a spot for them to be that big.20240127_101424.jpg
Yep! I should have added how I keep them trimmed in the tank. This is my pinnatifida bush. Very versatile.Screenshot_20241117_170417_Gallery.jpg
Thanks for the help, aquarium gardens stock it so I will get one, is it best to attach to wood or maybe lava rock?
It will grow attached to either, and in the substrate too. However, I'd stick to attaching it to something.

It can take a while to establish, but once it gets going it really goes... I personally found it sensitive to ferts in the water column and would suggest dosing appropriately.
It will grow attached to either, and in the substrate too. However, I'd stick to attaching it to something.

It can take a while to establish, but once it gets going it really goes... I personally found it sensitive to ferts in the water column and would suggest dosing appropriately.
Thanks for the reply, did you find it sensitive to ferts in a bad or good way , I have just started using tropica premium fertiliser
You can also try bolbitis. There are a few different species, but the more common ones grow large enough.
Thanks for the reply, I’ve just had a look and it also looks a good option, I’m new to trying a planted tank and appreciate all the help..
Here is a Bolbitis heudelotii. From 3 to 4 leaves and a little rhizome, this plant has developed to this size within 2 years. Bolbitis heudelotii may not grow well at first. But once it gets going, it can hardly be stopped. A problem-free plant that should grow in almost any water conditions.


However, it can become quite large. My largest plant is the same size as the aquarium in which it grows. About 30 * 30 * 30 cm. You can simply divide it if it gets too big. You only have to remove old leaves very rarely.

I am sorry the picture is quick and dirty.
Thanks for the reply, did you find it sensitive to ferts in a bad or good way , I have just started using tropica premium fertiliser
Bad, I had a lot of nutrient deficiencies (holes in leaves) and poor/growth through my own inadequate fertilising routine. Holes in the leaves are potassium (typically) deficiency.

The best success I had was with Tropica Premium/Specialist nutrition, so that gets a thumbs up from me. Its when I went DIY that the plant faded and I had a lot of (other) problems, I've since convinced myself that I wasn't dosing enough.
thanks I’ve just bought Tropica premium, I will get one next year once the Christmas post calms down lol