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Tall bushy plants for low tech

They are magnificent, regrettably I think their rude health might be in part at the expense of my Amano shrimps! Just noticed after being away there were 4 and are now, er, none 😪. Should have seen that coming….like I say, boisterous these Emperors!
I have emperors and they haven’t touched any of my amanos or cherries.
It can be that Amano's hide. I had 10. All eaten. none seen. Then months later when I moved tank and stripped it down eventually I found all 10. Many people report this.
Thanks, that would be great, fingers crossed! 😀👍
Yes, I don’t think they are connected. Amanos, because of their translucence, are very good at hiding, I often don’t see mine for days.
Up to now in the 18 months or so I’ve had them they’ve have been very visible, boldly pinching fish food and making their presence felt, but I am open to the suggestion their habits may change, perhaps if they feel threatened or some other reason. The bamboo/wood shrimp are fine. Ah well, time will tell I guess
They are bold when they don't sense any threat, but once they see a silhouette they don't like they hide, and that can mean completely. I assumed my Peacock Goby ate them all, but they survived for months unseen.
Snuck up on the tank early this morning with a torch while the fish slept - no Amanos…yet! 😂
See it? 😂


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