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Takashi Amano new book

Cheers Viktor! It's so good to have someone in a position such as yours to put something into the hobby with these teasers. It's incredibly refreshing. Thank you.
i have send an email to ada cause i wanted to order some aquajournals and the book. but on the site they say only creditcard. and i don't have an CC only paypal. but paypal doesn't work with them 🙁

i also asked if the where planning to release the book in english. the answer:

"Actually, we have a plan of publish it in English, however not sure
when it will be published."
I guess its more of a coffee table book, for looking at the pictures and learning a thing or two from plant selection and placement. I won't hold my breath for an English version though. I have a few Aquajournals that are in Jap and I'd really love for it to be in English.
Thanks for the reply Viktor. If there is little information then i will buy in Japanese. No point waiting if all all you get is tank size and CO2 levels like most of the others.
