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Hi Iain, the variations of colours in the shrimp is great. Can I ask how many did you start with and what grade were they? Don't think this has been asked already :)
Thanks Iain:) I have a nano set up with Shirakura red bee sand(should be fairly similar to yours being an active substrate)for almost 3 weeks levels are good but I am going to wait a while longer.My god it's hard to be so patient!Just trying to make sure I can give the micro organisms a chance to build up in the substrate and mature the filter slowly.Once a week W/C is the plan and like you say try and keep the TDS within certain levels.One thing strikes me when looking at your splendid thriving tank that I don't see any leaves(guava,cattapa.....).Why is this?Please correct me if I'm wrong!Cheers Mark.
So tank 2 is up and running, will give it a few weeks to settle and let the inevitable mould on wood set in so I can clean it before introducing any pandas. Etc
However the shrimp seem to have taken a liking to it as 2 have made a leap of faith into it already, which is weird as they have never jumped before!

Plants are pretty much the same...
Microsorum narrow and needle
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Monte Carlo
Bit of dwarf hair grass
Fissidens fontanus
And as a temp home two awesome small leaved bucephalandra and one larger.

iPhone pic, wood being held down.

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  • jezeqe2u.jpg
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Very nice Iain!You must have so many shrimp in there they are going for the great escape:) Weird though you say they have never jumped before and you put a tank beside and they go for it!They must prefer the other tank or are not happy that you are behind with your water changes:) Cheers Mark.
Very odd, I'm surprised they are happy as the water is pure RO and unheated...

Just to say the sloping substrate isn't a design feature. Learnt in the last one not to bank the substrate as over a year, even with rocks and substrate supports, a few hundred shrimp will relentlessly try to level it! So I just matched it up and they can move it around at an equal pace.

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So tank 2 is up and running, will give it a few weeks to settle and let the inevitable mould on wood set in so I can clean it before introducing any pandas. Etc
However the shrimp seem to have taken a liking to it as 2 have made a leap of faith into it already, which is weird as they have never jumped before!

Plants are pretty much the same...
Microsorum narrow and needle
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Monte Carlo
Bit of dwarf hair grass
Fissidens fontanus
And as a temp home two awesome small leaved bucephalandra and one larger.

iPhone pic, wood being held down.

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Twins :) they look good together Iain, hope the new one is ticking along nicely.


  • jezeqe2u.jpg
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hey tim, all is ticking along fine at the moment. Had a massive diatoms outbreak after the first week but 5 amanos made short work of it. I will do some up to date pictures over the weekend now it is all settled and showing some growth.:thumbup:
Morning all, as said above the second tank is doing well and i shall get some images sorted out tonight for them both but for now just a quick image of some spring sunshine. This seems to hit the tank for about 4 months of the year during the end of winter and spring. It doesnt do any harm to the tank, no algae etc but does make the monte carlo pearl like mad.

IMG_4206 by iainsutherland24, on Flickr

Otherwise not a lot of changes for this one, WC is now bi-weekly, i have increased feeding after seeing this video...
the link doesnt seem to be working at the moment though? It scares me everytime i do it as it seems like a lot of food but been trying if for 2 weeks now with no adverse effects... ive also been reading about not feeding foods that cause shrimp to gather in numbers as infants can be damaged or killed during this process, so my powder mix is now bio plus, gravidas, bt9, organic spirulina and crushed white pellet.

I need to get some shrimp moved out in the next week or so as the population is reaching critical mass, true taiwan bees will go into the new tank and then ill sell 20-40 on soon. Also looking a little thin in respect to the microsorum as i stole a load for the other tank but should recover in the next 12 months lol

The new tank is all ok, large diatom outbreak was handled admirably by the amanos that will be moved to another home soon. I still have 3 bees that have jumped from the other one that are healthy if maybe a little lethargic...my thinking is that there is too much food at the moment with whats left of the diatoms and plenty of mould from the wood. Water changing this one once a week now, same param's as the other one, around ph 6, kh 0 gh 5, tds 160-180, dosing one squirt tropica specialised per day in both.

Monte carlo took its usual beating moving into the low tech, can see roots against the glass and new dark green leaves now though so will cut it back as far as i dare next waterchange. Dwarf hairgrass seems to be struggling, may be the transition to low tech so will cut that right back also and see what pops up after.
Lil. Brasiliensis is doing great in both tanks, seems more than happy low tech where as Lil. novae-zealandia just died when i tried it.

Fissidens is mad as always, just seems to spread around the tank without assistance. Not that im complaining, its awesome! but is in need of a trim which i hate as im pretty sure i kill some tiny babies everytime its trimmed. Its their favourate hangout and ive spotted the mothers dropping their eggs directly into the fissiden balls.

Thats enough rambling for now, more images to follow tonight hopefully.... sadly dont have use of a macro lens anymore so no close ups until i get a chance to buy the canon 100mm.


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ah I was curious about what you were feeding them, good to know :)
I've started looking into getting a "start package" of F1s and I found someone not to far from here :) now I need to wait for my new tank to mature, transfer everything from my nano cube (20L) and then set the cube up for some shrimps!
There's just something about the whole "random offspring" that's just wondrous and exciting that it makes it worth it getting into the genetics of it :)
Lovely tanks! Really nice to see scaped planted bee tanks....Do the hang on filters make any noise?


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Hi Iain where did you pick up your nano's from I can't seem to find them online? Got to convince the other half that I need another tank :banghead:
Both tanks look great mate and compliment each other perfectly.
I'm sure that piece of wood would darken overtime but it does stand out a little now so can see why you'd want to remove it.....maybe store it in some water until it darkens and add it back in if you feel the tank needs it.